Brian of Luna Mortis to fill in with Epicurean for Rotting Christ tour...


Metal Mistress
Feb 4, 2006
Baltimore, MD - USA
From the band's Myspace page:

Brian to fill in with Epicurean for Rotting Christ tour...

Just to let you all know, our lead guitarist, Brian Koenig, will be helping out our very good friends in Epicurean (Metalblade Records) by filling in for them on lead guitar for their upcoming January tour with Rotting Christ. We wish Brian well on the tour and we are more than happy to "loan" him out to our friends in Epicurean.

Read more at Luna Mortis' Myspace.
Bump. Bump.

LISTEN to Luna Mortis' metal Xmas song! EXCLUSIVE download @!!

Luna Mortis Myspace said:
Hey everyone!
Check out the guitar laden crazy instrumental version of God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen we did for you for the holidays!!

It's posted for streaming, but you can read MORE about the song, our thoughts behind it and DOWNLOAD it to share with your friends on METALSUCKS.NET

We want to wish you all a happy holiday, whether that is Hanukkah, Kwaanza, Christmas or perhaps just a big ass party, or maybe nothing at all! Enjoy the song and big thanks to for hosting the download!!