bring me the horizon #1 on australian music charts.

To quote OFAH...haha now it really looks that they were not kidding :lol:
Del Boy: Australia is an awfully long way off, isn't it?
Jumbo Mills: They'll love you over there. They've got no class!
Del Boy: Australia! Where the men are men.
Uncle Albert: So are the women...
Del Boy: What's that supposed to mean?
Uncle Albert: Last time I was over there, the only way you could tell the sexes, was the men spit further.
It would be kind of shallow if it didn't fucking apply, and it does.
Music seems to be more of a fashion accessory than a tool for self expression these days, fucking weird.

It's just a new spin on the whole glam-metal shite that happened in the late 80s/early 90s. Dudes dressing like girls making generic, uninspired crap for the masses. Hopefully something will come around soon to kill it off, like grunge did.
Ahhh, good on 'em.
Jona has certainly been jumping around big bands all over the world; I Killed the Prom Queen then Bleeding Through and now BMTH.
Good to see an aussie getting in on the action.

... but a shame we have such garbage taste in music as a nation.

I think I was happier seeing that Psycroptic finally made it on to Nuclear Blast.
I'm happy for them. The new album grew on me and made me realize I actually like BMTH. I'm probably going to order it

Sykes' mid-pitched screams still fucking suck though, and take away from the music at some points. But generally as a whole, I think the new album works quite well in ways I wouldn't have expected at first.
this is its first week in the charts, so 3600 for one week isn't so bad. I couldn't care less about the band but we haven't had a chance to see how many it will sell, how long it will sit at the top of the charts, all the other merch and live shows etc

plus so many international bands are touring here these days, and they fill up good sized venues, I think the scene is going great.

I'm not the minority here, the guy who actually plays in a band, I'm the majority, and now is the best time for the independents. The illegal downloads kill the major band's income, so they tour. When they tour all the local bands get awesome support slots. Now is the time for the little guys to rise up, as long as money isn't the driving force then everything is peachy. Recording is cheap, infomation is free and in abundance, life is good for music....just bad for money