Well not literally
Randomly found this mesage board the other day, its real good to see so many fellow metal lovers all on one board
In Britian real metal fans are a rarity, the closest most people get is that cheesey pop punk rubbish that seems so popular in the states
Anywho, I love all things metal but my fav genre's would have to be hardcore/noise (not any of that hardcore-emo rubbish tho!) and death metal. So hello to you all

Randomly found this mesage board the other day, its real good to see so many fellow metal lovers all on one board

In Britian real metal fans are a rarity, the closest most people get is that cheesey pop punk rubbish that seems so popular in the states

Anywho, I love all things metal but my fav genre's would have to be hardcore/noise (not any of that hardcore-emo rubbish tho!) and death metal. So hello to you all