Broken Tremolo Screw Help!!


New Metal Member
Mar 8, 2011
Hey, what's up?

After changing strings a screw in my tremolo broke and the half is inside.
How can I fix it and where can I find a new screw?


Have a nice day!
Oh boy, that's ugly. Remove the string and take off the whole string saddle, you might be able to get to the screw from the bottom side with a pair of needle-nose pliers. If that doesn't work you'll probably need to drill it out. Get a new screw from the hardware store, or maybe contact ibanez. They should also be able to provide you with a new string saddle if you ruin the whole thing.

Next time don't overtighten it ;)
Oh boy, that's ugly. Remove the string and take off the whole string saddle, you might be able to get to the screw from the bottom side with a pair of needle-nose pliers. If that doesn't work you'll probably need to drill it out. Get a new screw from the hardware store, or maybe contact ibanez. They should also be able to provide you with a new string saddle if you ruin the whole thing.

Next time don't overtighten it ;)

Thank you!

Is this the screw I need?

Oh man, these edge tremolos are trouble....
get a sweet power drill and a bit that is smaller than the threads of the screw hole. drill that sumbitch out. take one of the other screws to ACE Hardware, Lowe's, Home Depot, or your local hardware store (do they still exist?) to find a replacement. Stores usually have a guide where you can find the correct size/thread etc..