Bruce Dickinson producing movie about Aleister Crowley

Definite interesting, and I too will want to check it out.

Though one disturbing things in article, and I'd be interested in feedback.
The article very quickly refered to Crowley as a "Satanist".

Now anyone who has even a slight knowledge of Crowley will know this is not the case. Sure he would occasionally refer to himself as "The Beast" and yet other times would refer to himself as the new Messiah (no, I don't buy this claim of his, but I don't think he meant it at all seriously either, as some of his "disciples" would try to promote him as such- like J.F.C. Fuller- and he would nay-say them on it), and at other times would just refer to himself as "a big fat Englishman." While I don't agree with some of Crowley's practices including his excessive drug use, I have read enough of his stuff to say that while sometimes he's just sputtering off what to me is b.s., there are many parts of his work that are quite scholarly. I even own a copy of the Book of Thoth (yes, I have the deck too, and am a pretty darn good reader if I do say so myself). In fact, "777" is actually a scholarly work showing that common symbolism running through all major religions, though his interpretations could be debated.

But enough of that.

I am writing this because I thought it strange that an article refering to Crowley as a Satanist would appear on a Maiden fan website, considering that Iron Maiden is a band that has been most unfairly accused of being Statanists by some fundamentalist church groups. The article can't say (and doesn't) that Bruce thought of Crowley as a Satanist, and somehow I think Bruce is a little too well read and smart to consider him such.

But gee, whaddya'll think?
Definite interesting, and I too will want to check it out.

Though one disturbing things in article, and I'd be interested in feedback.
The article very quickly refered to Crowley as a "Satanist".

Now anyone who has even a slight knowledge of Crowley will know this is not the case. Sure he would occasionally refer to himself as "The Beast" and yet other times would refer to himself as the new Messiah (no, I don't buy this claim of his, but I don't think he meant it at all seriously either, as some of his "disciples" would try to promote him as such- like J.F.C. Fuller- and he would nay-say them on it), and at other times would just refer to himself as "a big fat Englishman." While I don't agree with some of Crowley's practices including his excessive drug use, I have read enough of his stuff to say that while sometimes he's just sputtering off what to me is b.s., there are many parts of his work that are quite scholarly. I even own a copy of the Book of Thoth (yes, I have the deck too, and am a pretty darn good reader if I do say so myself). In fact, "777" is actually a scholarly work showing that common symbolism running through all major religions, though his interpretations could be debated.

But enough of that.

I am writing this because I thought it strange that an article refering to Crowley as a Satanist would appear on a Maiden fan website, considering that Iron Maiden is a band that has been most unfairly accused of being Statanists by some fundamentalist church groups. The article can't say (and doesn't) that Bruce thought of Crowley as a Satanist, and somehow I think Bruce is a little too well read and smart to consider him such.

But gee, whaddya'll think?

We all know that being accused of something untrue can be great publicity, tho! :lol:
I think it's just the limited thinking of the journalist who obviously only knows surface info - Bruce will set him to rights with the movie itself, I'd wager....