Bruce on the telly

From a music quiz show called Never Mind The Buzzcocks. I love it when Phil Jupitus says, "Bruce! Bruce! I know you're in THE MAIDEN..." :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: He wasn't even in Maiden at that time, that's his Skunkworks era hair!

Also a couple from a show he did about sontaneous human combustion. Can I Play With Madness in the background there! :kickass:

Testing an airplane shower :lol:

Looking very scruffy and sexy speaking about Ian Gillian :cool:

Singing Tom Jones' Delilah on Last Chance Lottery with Patrick Keilty. Gotta love that suit!!!

Getting interviewed by the legend that is Jeremy Clarkson. Love the Peter Frampton story! :lol:

Driving a tank!

The train enthusiast (listen to what song he's whistling! :lol: )

Ladies and gents - Mr Bruce Dickinson!!! :notworthy :notworthy
Bruce was talked about on the Scottish news tonight!! I managed to film it!!! =) I heard them talking about a rock star and then turned round to see a 0.5 second glimpse of him and Davey so got the camera ready and as usual it was the last article on the news!!! It's talking about him flying the Rangers football team out to Tel Aviv (sp?). Apparently their manager is quite a fan! :D

I had some problems with the file, but it should work now.
Thanks fo posting these vids, Jenna - so nice to have the links all in one place so I can peruse at my leisure! (Now I just gotta find some leisure time! :goggly: )

I LOVE that suit he wears in the Delilah piece!! The man has no fear when it comes to wardrobe!!!! :lol: :rock: :notworthy
Thanks fo posting these vids, Jenna - so nice to have the links all in one place so I can peruse at my leisure! (Now I just gotta find some leisure time! :goggly: )

I LOVE that suit he wears in the Delilah piece!! The man has no fear when it comes to wardrobe!!!! :lol: :rock: :notworthy

No problem at all!! :D The suit is hilarious - as is the hair!! :lol: I'd seen them all except the spontaenous human combustion and Gillian ones. I loved it when I realised what he was whistling in the train one. :kickass: