Brutal Deathcore Mix. PLEASE RATE IT!

The client wanted clipping subdrops? ;) They're clipping way too much imo.

I'm listening on headphones so...
The drums sound too dry. Room, reverb and parallele comp could help. Maybe some distortion too on the snare and cymbals. And you could also use deEsser on the vocals.
I tried deesser on the vocals but the ones i tried cut too much presence. So the Vocals get drowned in the mix. So i edited the worst cases with little fades.

I could add Reverb to the drums but then they wouldnt sound that brutal and upfront. Distortion and parallel compression is done but only to bass and snare. The Cymbals get very harsh when i add them to the same channel. Maybe i should do a seperate sidecompression channel for the cymbals and stuff.

thanks for the reply!
maybe a little verb on the drums, small plate maybe, and vocals could come up a bit in some places, or maybe some multiband compression on the drums around the frequency your vocals are sitting, maybe 5k? so they cut through the mix, other than that it sounds awesome dude!!!

are you using amp sims or miced up? either way, sick tone, interested to know your signal flow?