Brutal DM all real, all natural (cept kick)


Sep 12, 2007

Hey guys, wanted to get some advice for this mix for a buddies bands demo that I'm recording. No click, no editing (save for some double-bass sections) and all natural except a kick sample. (i.e. quick demo for next-to-nothing)

These vocals are so guttural I have no idea how to process, and could really use some advice in that dept. Some help there would be appreciated.

Brutal DM Updated Mix

Hey guys, wanted to get some advice for this mix for a buddies bands demo that I'm recording. No click, no editing (save for some double-bass sections) and all natural except a kick sample. (i.e. quick demo for next-to-nothing)

These vocals are so guttural I have no idea how to process, and could really use some advice in that dept. Some help there would be appreciated.

Brutal DM

Man this is horrible! but in a good way :D The vocals are ridiculous but awesome, and its a cool tune, I think the vocals could be a bit louder maybe, but its sounding pretty good man :kickass:
The kicks sound out of place with the rest of the kit to me, the snare lacks punch and the cybals sound a little distant, the guitars are also really fuzzy and the bass seemed non existant. However I think with some heavy compression on the bass and snare you could get those to come out a lot more with a punch, the cymabsl might be either recorded to distant sounding or you EQ'ed them that way? They sound a bit thin to me, so maybe add in a tiny bit of mids or take away a touch of the treble end to make it less tssss and more pssshhhh. Guitars might of been recorded that fuzzy? But I'm sure that with some EQ you could clean it up a touch. (A boost at 500 by about 2 db might fatten them up a touch, but you'll have to have a play) and lastly the vocals..well they seemed to be ok I guess, other than volume there was nothing I'd really change to drastically. And by volume I refer to turning them up a touch.

Sorry to appear blunt, I just figured that you'd want answers on how to get a better sound, so I'm just giving a humble opinion :D

I would turn the guitars down a tad. The vocals sound a little thin to me. Maybe give them a small boost in the lows/low-mids. Overheads can come up a bit.
Hey guys, thanks for your thoughts.

The snare, haha. Well it's definitely not my favorite, but the band and especially the drummer are in love with it. You should hear it in the room, tuned very high and even with earplugs it was hurting my ear from the sound pressure. It definitely cuts through.

Thanks for your thoughts on everything Joe. Sometimes I suck the mids out of everything being scared of buildup, probably got a little too drastic. I'll keep your thoughts in my mind when I work on it again. Thanks for taking the time to listen.

Man this is horrible! but in a good way The vocals are ridiculous but awesome, and its a cool tune, I think the vocals could be a bit louder maybe, but its sounding pretty good man

Thanks. It's pretty brutal. More brutal than I'm used to, or generally like. haha

I would turn the guitars down a tad. The vocals sound a little thin to me. Maybe give them a small boost in the lows/low-mids. Overheads can come up a bit.

Thanks unavailable. These vocals are soooo hard to work with. There's just no mids in em at all. I'll try and get them a little meatier. Nice to see some Bay Area guys in here!!

Thanks for listening guys.
So awesome. Love it. :)

Snare down, Bass drums up a tad.

Drums are too loud.

More compressor on the snare.

More clarity in the guitars (less highs, more mids, more bass).
Hey guys, following your suggestions I got a chance to work on the tracks today and wanted to see what you think. Edited first post with updated mix.

Updated Mix