Brutal gig at Mullberget.


blastfucker of Manifest
Mar 7, 2006
Hey again, we played a show at Mullberget, Sweden about 3 weeks ago, and got it on tape, the audio quality is pretty ok, the cameraman moved around a litte bit to much, so every now and then the quality goes bad.
Anyways, the songs we played on this magic evening were ;

Death in Fire - Amon Amarth

Behind Space - In Flames (everything in this song went bad, speed etc.)

Only the strongest - Hatesphere

Caught Devouring - Tyranny (that's us)

Jotun - In Flames

Eaten - Bloodbath

To Ride, Shoot Straight, and Speak the truth.

Please post a comment on what you think.

we are not a coverband, we play covers but we're writing our own music too, so..yeah
ok, cooler.
to bad about behind space, i love that song. jotun is amazing as well, good choises!
Nice gig man!!!! Eaten sounds a little bit faster than the original version but doesn't really matters... Entombed at the end :) excellent choice. Your song is really cool too. :kickass: Good job in the drums

:kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass:
thanks everyone, it's a shame behind space went bazooka, well every song went just a little bit faster than usual, but that's playing live music! :D
write more songs! your own song sounds really cool! reminds me a lot of the good ol' days of in flames, that i wish so much to come back :erk:
Bad crowd, but you guys did a good enough job. Fucking boring people here in Sweden, everyone's like "Yarrgh I'm so tr00 metal" but as soon as they get to a concert they all stand around looking bored cause they think it's cool or something. Fucking cowards won't mosh unless a lot of other people are already moshing or if they're really drunk.

Good show anyway! :rock:
Nefilim, thanx, and you are so right, atleast up here in the north, the metal scene is pretty poor.

And we've got a bunch of song just waiting to be brutally worshipped, but we want to rehearse the songs so we can play them by heart, if you know what I mean.

thx again =)