Our LIVE Amon Amarth cover and more. Please View


blastfucker of Manifest
Mar 7, 2006
We had a gig a couple of weeks ago at a music festival, the gig went great, there were about 250-300 ppl attending.

The bands were divided into two groups, Amateur and Professional, we were in the professional group, and finished first, which resulted in 10hrs of studiotime, which ain't much, but always something.

The audio quality are not top notch, but we didn't connect the camera into the mixerboard.

The songs we played were ;

Pursuit of vikings - Amon amarth

Caught Devouring - Tyranny ( that's us )

Roswell 47 - Hypocrisy

Anyways, have a look and tell me what u think ;

By covering Amon Amarth you did a brave thing. By trying to cover one of the top live acts out there, I mean. But I think you do it ok, Hell over Burträsk.
Pretty good...But tell your drummer that not all fills have to go from left to right, and that hes allowed to do creative stuff...Watching him play, it looks like hes solid, but hes not doing anything really cool or original...Thats what drums are all about...Putting your own stamp or flavour on everything you do...
Well, I am the drummer...
Thanks for the criticism, it's healthy to know.
kuti said:
Well, I am the drummer...
Thanks for the criticism, it's healthy to know.

maybe get a drum cage that elevates and spins around like Tommy Lee used to have. haha

just kidding, looks good to me. any cover that does AA justice is cool in my book...
To Kuti: Dude you do whatever you want man. You dont neccesarily have to have all your fills coming from the left either. I mean yea its good to have some creativity on your fills, its kool that you took the criticisim well though. I mean I my self play alot of my fills from the right but not in order all the time, sometimes i break the chains to make an awkward but catchy fill. But its all good, do whatever makes you feel comfortable, after all, its about the fun in playing the songs. Lataz
Dave Lombardo from Slayer has THE most killer fills ever...They are randomized, yet they always seem to be so perfect. Theres obviously some method to how he does it. I'd like to nominate Chris Adler for second. Hes one of the most unique drummers in metal right now. Say what you want about the band...Personally, I love them...But you have to love Chris Adler...that guy is a beast...
Ya but actually it was John Dette who was the drummer for the Undisputed Aggression album. ANyways, Slayer only had awesome drummers. Another personal favourite is the guy from Behemoth - who just has the capability to be the most extreme fucking hardcore drummer, but varies the way he plays as to not make it repetitive *cough* Nile *cough*. THAT makes a great drummer.
That was good but i think you guys started a lil fast. AA does it a lil slower and i think you would get more clarity thay way
come on guys, give us some more feedback, i'm kinda bored here! :kickass: