Brutal Technical Death Real Drums,Tele, VHT, 5153, Recto. outboard comp

Lasse Lammert

HCAF Blitzkrieg
Feb 12, 2009
yo, s'craic?
here's a mix of a band I'm working on atm....
singer is 17yrs old, guitars are 5153 left, VHT pittbull right, Recto for overdubs (chorus) and again VHT for leads.
zero samples on the drums (my Yamaha kit and a chad smith snare with OOOOLD skins...very good drummer though).
Bass was a rather inexpensive Yamaha, Guitar was a telecaster.
all the compression is OTB

1176 on parallel snare, room, bass, vox, parallel guit-muld and tambourine.
GSSL on kick, toms.

This is just the first roughmix, the singer will get some autotune, but that has get to be done.

too young

your ears would be appreciated....mine are fried from working with that much compression all the time ;)., I've just realized how nice it's holding together in mono :)

well, I lied about the technical death, but the rest is true
Bass guitar is really loud. Too much 100hz.

Good job on the drums, esp. for no samples, however the approach to the drums is not right for this kinda music IMO. I would've tried to get most of the sound from the OHs and room, really trashy, big and live. They're too compressed and poppy I think. I would have gone for either a ringy snare or a deep, warm one. Too late now, but maybe try with some samples (with the playing and this much compression its really mechanical and samply anyway) and see if it sounds better.

Guitars could come up in the chorus. Singer is really good.
the combination of the kick and bass sound is making me very happy in the pants. VERY warm sounding bass, I love it.

The singer's voice makes me very sad in the pants. Not too bad, some shit needs tuning like you said but I just hate this particular style of singing.

The snare sounds great, maybe just a little dull sounding but very nice characteristics to it.

Great great work mein Herr:headbang:

EDIT: +1 to Morgan's comment about more overheads but I disagree with him about the bass being too loud. IMO this kind of music is being driven by the bass more than the gats so it works, for me anyway ;)
Bass guitar is really loud. Too much 100hz.

Good job on the drums, esp. for no samples, however the approach to the drums is not right for this kinda music IMO. I would've tried to get most of the sound from the OHs and room, really trashy, big and live. They're too compressed and poppy I think. I would have gone for either a ringy snare or a deep, warm one. Too late now, but maybe try with some samples (with the playing and this much compression its really mechanical and samply anyway) and see if it sounds better.

Guitars could come up in the chorus. Singer is really good.

I was actually going for a massive bass, so I could keep the guits thinner.
Bass is big but not boomy on my system...should perhaps check it in the car.
yeah, when I started I thought I should be going into the open woody drum-direction, kinda RHCP, but when the bass came in I thought I'd try it more into the direction of big radio rock stuff.

thanks for listening and commenting everyone
I love those drums, but I agree with Morgan, more room and having the drum sound more centered through the OH's would suit better, but this is sounding really good anyways, I just think the bass is just a TOUCH too loud, other than that it's awesome great job!
I was actually going for a massive bass, so I could keep the guits thinner.
yeah, when I started I thought I should be going into the open woody drum-direction, kinda RHCP, but when the bass came in I thought I'd try it more into the direction of big radio rock stuff.

Big radio rock drums could work, but these aren't big :/ The snare, in any case, the rest of the drums work (toms aren't perfect but decent).
broooootal stuff. :headbang:

can only hear it on my pc speakers and i have the feeling that the clean guitars or the whole mix is a bit too compressed. but this is a just a short impression from mini speakers.

war der sänger schon im stimmbruch oder kommt der erst noch? ;)
I actuallyfear that there might be too much room on the drums already, drummmersaid he wants it dry with hardly any room/reverb.
just reduced the 80Hz boost I had in the roughmaster-chain, perhaps that helped with the bass already.
I used the moogerfooger on the bass (first time I tried this) kinda like what it did, gonna use it more often in the future.

I thought about raisng the compressed mono room to give the drums more dirt/glue, was just afraid to take away from the clarity.
I'm gonna trie it now.
raising the overheads is difficult...they're rather loud already ;)

The overall mix is really good, just the bass as mentioned. there is too much energy round 81hz and down to about 65hz. Cutting that makes the bass sit alot better in the mix and opens it up. also i think the guitar is a bit too strong round 700 - 800hz pull down maybe 1.5db?
I did a quick eq to show you what I mean, as the eq was meant for individual elements of the mix other parts may be adversely effected, manly drums. I think its a little clearer and if done in the mix will be the bees knees!

I actuallyfear that there might be too much room on the drums already, drummmersaid he wants it dry with hardly any room/reverb.

And what do drummers know? ;) :p lol

raising the overheads is difficult...they're rather loud already ;)

It's not having them louder, its just having more drums on the overheads, thus inducing a more open and 3D feel to them
Yo, update's up.
compressed the overheads a bit, raised the comp-room mic, reduced the bass a bit.
just fear the Overheads might be too loud now, and the snare too roomy.
well, it is from a metal point of view, not sure about a mix like this though.
Snare sounds too roomy to me now, but as I said, I'm really not the person to judge this mix now...ears are fucked, lol

thanks for your ears

das'n 17 jähriges Mädel! :D

snare does seem a bit too roomy but now it has some nice "air" to it that it didn't have in the other version

I had no problem with the bass before but it still sounds great ... probably a bit more balanced now actually

sounds great Lasse, especially considering you're working a bit out of your element I'm guessing
that was some brutal metal! (You owe me 3 minutes and 25 seconds)

I think everything in the mix sounds right on the spot except for the bass, its not loudness the issue but tightness, at least to my ears. When I hear the song it comes to my mind a powerful but tight sounding "ampeg" kind of bass with lots of punch that is strong but not all over the place. Still an awesome mix \m/
Overheads are too loud now imo, snare is cool but could use a bit moar brightness...I dont think it's too much room though!
Bass is awesome imo
haha beruhigend zu wissen dass es n mädel is...sonst tät mir der typ leid :D
for my taste this kind of song could use a more "driving snare". (think, i liked it better with less room)

is the bass as we hear it now, a result of reducing the boost in the master chain, or did you tweak the track itself?

overall sound is very cool. :worship: very tasteful outboard comping, it seems.
after listening to it on my hifi system i have to agree that the bass is not well balanced. the key note? (grundton) is always popping out way too much.