Brutal Technical Death Real Drums,Tele, VHT, 5153, Recto. outboard comp

I would take No Doubt's Tragic Kingdom as a mixing reference for this kind of material. Overall the low end of the bass is dominating the mix too much and drums are just slightly too loud, also the snare might sound a bit better if it would be totally dry. Also the chorus could really use a boost, now the song is a bit too static.
btw, I noticed that if you would just up the tempo by 20-50 bpm, distort the vocals and bass like fuck, reamp the guitars with higain settings and put drumagog to play doublekicks from hihats and the current kickhits would play chinas, that would be death metal. or black metal. and I want to hear it :grin:
btw, I noticed that if you would just up the tempo by 20-50 bpm, distort the vocals and bass like fuck, reamp the guitars with higain settings and put drumagog to play doublekicks from hihats and the current kickhits would play chinas, that would be death metal. or black metal. and I want to hear it :grin:

Haha, I'd love to try that, wish I had the time :D
Haha, I'd love to try that, wish I had the time :D

hihat track -> duplicate and mute original -> insert drumagog -> choose metal kick sample -> done

kick track -> duplicate and mute original -> insert drumagog -> choose china sample -> done

snare track -> duplicate and mute original -> insert drumagog -> insert the nastiest metal snare you have -> done

guitar di tracks -> duplicate and mute originals -> insert podfarm/amplitube/guitarrig -> choose mesa preset -> done

bass track > duplicate -> insert sansamp -> all settings to the max except volume -> done

vocal bus -> insert your favourite distorting saturation plugin -> done

L2 to master -> hi quality cd preset -> bounce -> profit

20 minutes max
Lasse is too busy taking himself seriously and focusing on getting the project done in time, I'm sure.

I dig the mix Lasse, was hoping it actually was metal though haha.
Dunno if this was mentioned coz i didn't read the whole thread...but i can hear a lot of weird autotune artifacts in the "bridge" of the song... were u autotuning or am i wrong? :) ... You could also bring a little more of the bottom snare mic up and maybe leave the gate to make the drums appear more live...they sound like sampled at the start...
Cool mix though... :)