

Sexy Bastard
Apr 16, 2001
A pub,Perth.
Anybody else a fan?

Just been listening to their debut CD and it's a bloody classic!! :headbang:

I haven't heard anything from their second album yet,just wondering if anyones heard it,and if it's worth getting?
:lol: :lol:

Wait till I get a band together! It will be "Sex Charged Melodic Glam Metal from the Sleazy Depths of Rock & Roll Hell" hahahaha!
Yeah we'll take things up a step on the 2nd album Spawny. That one will be "Sex Charged Extra-Raunchy Bad-Attitude Glam Metal from the Sleazy Depths of Rock & Roll Hell"
Originally posted by The Trooper
Yeah we'll take things up a step on the 2nd album Spawny. That one will be "Sex Charged Extra-Raunchy Bad-Attitude Glam Metal from the Sleazy Depths of Rock & Roll Hell"

:lol: Well thats good, I didnt want you guys to get into a rut with your music :)
Hahahaha oh you don't have to worry about that! Every album will provide fans with new and exciting phrases to put in our genre description. I'm working on the third album right now... thinking of maybe including "Explosive" somewhere in it...

:lol: :lol:
And by the time the first album's over, we'll all be so glammed out that we'll be singing "Get me out of the Sleazy Depths of Rock n' Roll Hell, I need to get away..."

(cue big chunky riff and bowel-rupturing Eric Carr drum sound)

I heard one Buckcherry song a while ago and thought it was pretty good. When it comes to that style of music, I prefer Hair of the Dog these days :).