
Jimmy... Dead.

contemplative curmudgeon
Feb 7, 2007
Planet Bullshit
Ok, well I was talking to a friend and he says "Buckethead is one of the most under-rated guitar players around".

Where exactly do you think this guy fits? Talent wise.

I'm not exactly sure being that I just got into this, feeling out jason backer and michael angelo batio.

So what does Ultimate Metal think about BucketHead?
Define talent? He can play very technically, very fast, and has a unique style, placing him ahead of most guitarists. However, he does not display much range in his playing (although perhaps this would be out of character for him) and his songwriting abilities probably fall short of similar artists such as Vai. His music tends to be very spastic and experimental, and given the high volume of material he is able to produce at such a rapid pace one wonders just how much time and effort he actually puts into his recordings. He is probably best experienced live.

His relevance to metal is minimal at best, although I imagine he has influenced a few players in the genre.