Budget black metal rec. w/wagner/amplitube


Apr 25, 2006
Wollongong, Australia

This is the first post for me, but i have actually been stealin' all of your info's for a while now... and i have to thank all, who seem to be a bloody great bunch of blokes, who have contributed invaluable free info to this forum...

Anyway here's a black metal band i'm rec'/mixin'/masterin'


old mix:

The only idea of what i'm doing i have learnt from this forum but anyway, this is a super budget recording.

Guitars are a fantastically crap epihone les paul custom with rusty ol' stock pickups -> line in on creative audigy 2 lol. Then shot through amplitube for rhy, and wagner for lead. With g/hacks impulses.

Bass is super crap budget bc rich warlock and it sucks -> ampeg impulse and neither it or the epiphone are intonated that well.

Drums were recorded in a garage/laundry with three mics, into a stereo channel, 1 oh, 1 kick, 1 snare mic, kick panned into left channel oh & snare panned right so i could at least have two mono tracks for the drums.

I haven't started mixing the vocals/synths/acoustics yet because i've run out of cpu power, so i'm trying to make an 'alright' enough mix so i can import it back into cubase and do the rest. But yeah, if one of you talented blokes wouldn't mind i would love to hear some advice from you, particuallary in getting the bass to sound better because i'm having a lot of trouble there. I don't have monitors, actually, the only gear i have is a pair of sennheiser 280pro headphones.

I really really dig the guitar sound. It's more than adequate. The drums are a bit buried at times. Sucks that you can't pan the overhead without moving the snare too.
Awesom!, Thanks for the comments and tips...

Updated Mix :


I've taken both of your advice, and put up a new mix.
I've improved the drums, vox, maybe even guitars a little and added the synths that were missing from the previous mix.

@VoidFiller - Yep, trying to aim for the oldschool black metal sound, my reference is 'supposed' to be Emperor-nightside eclipse/Obtained enslavement-witchcraft. I've fixed up the vocals in the new mix, and i agree with you on the melodic parts, they totally suck, but i don't know that i can just scrap them because i know the bloke who sung them well (he's the drummer). I told him they sucked when he recorded them, but he insisted to do them anyway (and there are a lot worse ones on the other songs). I think he thinks i can perform some magic tricks and they'll sound awesom and in tune :ill:. But anyway, also thanks for pointing out the ragged rhythm playing, i didn't really notice it too much before from hearing the song so much, but the drums weren't lined up properly with the guitars, it's a lot better now.

@slashvanyoung - I'm glad you like the guitar sound, because it's been driving me up the wall freezing about 500 different guitar combinations, and i'm still not completely happy with what i've got, but your comment gave me some peace of mind :). I've managed to eq the kick a bit bitter in the new mix, it fits in better and sounds a bit more full, and as for the oh's i tried duplicating the oh track and put a filter 4-8k on one and 8-20k on the other and panned them 50 - 50. I think it has improved a little, but it's causing the phasescope to go a little more crazy, but oh well.

Also, if anyone knows where i might be able some good free String/goth vox/timpani/church organ synths or soundfonts (real sounding or typical black sounding) that are good for black metal, i'd really appreciate your help.
Just to let you know, i think your stuff sounds great!! I really like the guitar tone. Are you using amplitube 2, or amplitube metal? I am going through the trying hundreds of combinations right now with both of them. I am looking forward to hearing more!
Its worth the bump, I just listened to it and this is awesome!

This type of BM is the only I really like and this is such a good representation of it, we don't get a wide enough variety of metal recordings on this forum so I give him an A+