Wagner VST metal tones!


Jul 10, 2006
Hi fellas. I'm a bit bashful about posting this here, especially since I've only been doing vocals for a week. But oh well...

I'm a broke college student, so here's the barebones details for anyone who cares...

The guitars are my Jackson w/EMG81, Wagner Sharp, SIR w/Guitarhack's impulses. The drums are DFH1 cymbals, lol!, Slate's free snare samples, Andy's kick and Chimaira toms. Bass is my Spector w/EMGs, MXR M-80 as a DI box.

This was mixed on multimedia 2.1 speakers, so I'm not sure how this will translate to proper monitors, but I have come to the conclusion that the Wagner + impulses kicks the poop out of my podXT for heavy tones.

I'm having to listen with these bass heavy/boomy headphones at work, but it sounds really good from what I hear! Wagner + GuitarHack impulses just slays. Just got through using it myself. Look forward to hearing it on proper speakers when I get home.
sounds great man...nice guitar sound can you give details on vocals they sound good too!
hey man any chance you could share your wagner setup/impulse choice with us?
it sounds pretty cool to my ears :) i like the sound of the guitars :) I think theres something.. i dont know.. missing from the drums, they dont seem to glue together, it feels like there is a space in there :S its not a cuss, i have the same problem :/
Thanks for the listen guys!

The vocals were a Studio Projects B1 and my M-Audio Audiobuddy set up in my apartment living room. I used the Kjarehus (that's totally misspelled) compressor to smash the shit out of them and then I tossed a big verb on it. I'm a huge fan of the early Opeth vocals that were swimming in verb, so I tried to recreate that here.

I really just started trying to learn how to do vocals without shredding my throat, I'm quite flattered and surprised that you like them. Thanks!

As for the drums, yeah, I know. I'm not good at mixing drums. I have a hard time with drum compression. It's my weakest point.

I'll post the Wagner and impulse info tonight.

There we go guys. I didn't know till about an hour ago after reading a Wagner thread here that I can turn the quality up on mixdown. So I suppose I'd run that higher then pictured here.

I forgot to mention that there is a TS-9 in between the DI box and my interface. Level full, drive all the way down, and tone at about 5 o'clock.

I used Guitarhack's "Fredman strait" and "Fredman angled" impulses. One performance on each side, but copy and pasted for a total of 2 on each side. Obviously, one of the identical tracks on the left runs through the angled impulse and the other one runs through the strait...same on the right. I'm simulating the Fredman mic'ing technique. I miss being able to mic my VHT...... :cry:

During mixing the "strait" tracks are 3.5dB louder than the "angled" tracks. The guitar buss has about a 2.2dB dip at 3.3kHz, a 1.1dB rise at 9.9kHz, a 3dB dip at 140Hz, and finally a high pass at 95Hz.

That's my entire guitar chain. During tracking I monitor with my podXT so I don't get killed with computer latency.
fantastic man! cant wait to get back from work *groan* and try these out :D
your bass sound is pretty nice (if i remember), sat well in the mix (if recall haha) :) any info on that too would be greatly appreciated. I think the bass lends more to guitar tone than i have previously given credit hahah

PLEASE don't say "search". I have searched, high and low, left and right and cannot find the free slate drum samples anywhere :( i looked on his site where they supposedly are, but maybe they have been taken down?
hey man sorry to bother you again, you said you were monitoring through your pod XT??
I assume by this you run it as a soundcard through the usb and plug your speakers into the pod output? :S
Guitarhack, I have to give you a large portion of the credit for my guitar tones. Lol! You've saved me from having to settle with shitty podXT cab sims....

As for monitoring with the pod while recording... I split my guitar signal right before the TS-9 and run one signal into my pod and one into the TS-9 and into my DI box. The pod is then run into the interface through 1/4" outputs and used for monitoring while recording the DI tracks. No computer latency.

The bass chain is a little more involved than the guitar chain, but it's the classic dirty/clean setup.

I'm using Ampeg SVX as a plug-in. Awhile back I was looking at the Bass podXT but decided to go with the SVX. I'm quite happy, I recommend it.

The bass is split, with one signal feeding the MXR and the other going through my pod with the "tube preamp" setting with no cab sims or anything. Basically the pod is just another DI box in this situation. I have the MXR set to a really dirty tone.

Both signals are then routed into my Echo card and it's recorded as two tracks, one really dirty and one clean. Both tracks are run through separate instances of SVX. I high passed the dirty track at about 550Hz and low passed it at about 7.5kHz. The clean bass track is low passed at 260Hz and high passed at about 50Hz. Both tracks are compressed heavily individually, then routed together and smashed again.

The MXR contributes a HUGE part to my bass tone. It has a very aggressive distortion and when paired with the SVX it gets a metallic, sharp sort of tone that sounds great.