How did you have them set up, right next to each other? Certainly sounds like the same performance between each, which is cool - still, I honestly can't decide whether the few "differences" I'm hearing are even actually there (rather than in my head :Spin: or due to the volume differences), so I have to opt out of voting or stating preference (though I'm drawn to the NT5's, but naturally, they're the loudest

EDIT: Oops, short attention spans FTW, listened again and this time realized that there's more to it than just cymbal hits

Still, my only different reactions are that the hi-hat sounds really unpleasant and hi-middy in the ATM450's, and everything just so bothersomely low in the C4 track I can't decide one way or the other. Of course, importing into Reaper is an option...
EDIT 2: THE RETURN OF EDIT: So I imported them into Reaper, and discovered that the stereo balance is offset in the C4 track with a right-side bias - you're slacking Wathan

Exploded the stereo track into two monos and dropped the right side by 1.1 dB, then raised the overall volume, which did the trick well enough for comparative purposes, and I find I like the C4's the best actually, I'd basically say the three progress evenly on a scale of "cheap-sounding harshness", from least in the C4's to most in the ATM's (with the NT5's in the middle, naturally, they weren't nearly as bad as the AT's IMO, but still not as good as the C4's)