Bugera decision - 333, 333xl, 6262

Hey all

Thanks for the feedback guys. I ordered the 333XL last night.

I can post an update when it arrives.

I have another question though. Since i have a guitarport, wouldn't i be able to run that Lineout into the guitarport and then run some kind of cab simulation like for example impulses? If so, which software would i need for that?
Heya guys. Just wanted to post an update. I finally got my rig now, and it sounds completely awesome. I can't believe that an amp this cheap can sound so absolutely stunning. I got it together with a Harley Benton G412A Vintage cab. Im extremely satisfied!


I will try to reamp the rose of sharyn DI, with an impulse since i dont have a mic... and i don't intend to buy one for the time being.

Thanks all for your words.
Congrats on the 333!
I'm loving my 333XL so far, I wonder how much different it sounds to the 333
I've thought about getting a Bugera for recording/re-amping purposes only. The newer Rectifier copy and the 6505 copy are the ones I'd like. Is the Trirec out yet?
Harry: Thanks man. Yeah im really happy about the tones from this amp. It has a great attack of PM notes.

Jeid: Trirec is not out yet. But i can recommend the 333 np. I'm not sure about the 626x series. Personaly i didnt like them too much, but maybe the cab i used was shit, because from what i've heard they are like 95% identical to the real deal (5150, 5150 II).

And WTF??!

I just tried reamping the amp. So i had my reamping interface running into the input of the amp and the line out of my amp into my recording interface. There was no sound though. Until i turned up the master volume of the amp.

What the hell? Why do i have to control Line out level with my master vol. And the Line out even has its own level control. That does not make any sense to me. This means if i want to reamp i have to turn the amp up and drive the whole neighborhood out.
I found out its because they intend the line out for another amp. So you take line out into the input of another power amp, and that way you can use the master vol. on the 333 to control both amps.
I found out its because they intend the line out for another amp. So you take line out into the input of another power amp, and that way you can use the master vol. on the 333 to control both amps.

My Peavey 6505 works the same way.