build your own digital effect

That's pretty neat! Somehow I doubt you could use impulses, but that would be great, and even if not, some really interesting stuff might come of it.
Define "impulses"...?

An impelling force; an impetus.
The motion produced by such a force.
A sudden wish or urge that prompts an unpremeditated act or feeling; an abrupt inclination: had an impulse to run away; an impulse of regret that made me hesitate; bought a hat on impulse.
A motivating force or tendency: "Respect for the liberty of others is not a natural impulse in most men" (Bertrand Russell).
Electronics A surge of electrical power in one direction.
Physics The product obtained by multiplying the average value of a force by the time during which it acts. The impulse equals the change in momentum produced by the force in this time interval.
Physiology The electrochemical transmission of a signal along a nerve fiber that produces an excitatory or inhibitory response at a target tissue, such as a muscle or another nerve :danceboy:
An impelling force; an impetus.
The motion produced by such a force.
A sudden wish or urge that prompts an unpremeditated act or feeling; an abrupt inclination: had an impulse to run away; an impulse of regret that made me hesitate; bought a hat on impulse.
A motivating force or tendency: "Respect for the liberty of others is not a natural impulse in most men" (Bertrand Russell).
Electronics A surge of electrical power in one direction.
Physics The product obtained by multiplying the average value of a force by the time during which it acts. The impulse equals the change in momentum produced by the force in this time interval.
Physiology The electrochemical transmission of a signal along a nerve fiber that produces an excitatory or inhibitory response at a target tissue, such as a muscle or another nerve :danceboy:

While I find this absolutely fascinating, I also realize the technicality of DSP code writing. DSP involves a very deep understanding of math; vector math, matrix math, and graphs. Then once you have an understanding of that, you have to learn how to write code, but not just write the code, but actually learn the syntax of the code and how to write algorithms within the language you are using and apply all that math into a language such as C. Very VERY VERY difficult and complicated stuff to do. The thing is, your using 1,'s and 0,'s (think of a graph X,Y co-ordinates) to manipulate a wave form, which can have some interesting outcomes, but I bet even writing a simple 2 band EQ can be very difficult to grasp. I don't think this pedal has anything to do with impulses, it's all code writing and algorithms. Before you go and spend your 200 bones on one, I recommend that you take a few math and programming courses, believe me you won't be writing "hello world". Not saying anyone here isn't capable of doing this, just saying that it's a science all within itself and certainly not an easy one.
yeah but why should a company like line6 which is selling products in high quantities come up with such a tool without having a "wysiwyg" kind of tool. I'm quite sure they don't come around with such a gadget for a couple of math profs.