Building a 'metal friendly' telecaster! Help?


New Metal Member
Jul 14, 2011
Hey guys,

Just a shout out to anyone who can chuck me some advice on building a telecaster for purely playing detuned heavy music.

What advice im really looking for, is basically how to build this thing so it plays top notch in B tuning. Do i need a baritone neck? whats the best string gauges to use? Any thoughts on what pick-ups to use? I have plans to use humbuckers instead of single coils!

Really interested to hear some thoughts :)


A few quick pointers:

- Single coil pickups are for pussies.
- Big strings = big tone. Baritone necks will also help with tighter string tension.
- Cut the guitar into something cool like an Explorer or a Warlock or something. Teles are for country music fags. :p

BONUS: Find the silliness/sarcasm in this post!! GO! :D