Building a Studio from the ground up


Jul 18, 2010
Brisbane, Australia
Hey everyone,

Me and a partner have been recording out of a home for a few years and have collected a large amount of gear. We have realised we need to move out of the house and are looking for a small block of land to build from the ground up.

I know its a very broad question but ive never been great at studio design. All we were looking for is a small structure with a live room, control room, iso booth and lounge area.

I was hoping for any suggestions on floor plans or tips for designing this thing as i want to put as much input as possible into the building of it.

Thanks for your time in advance

As always i try to convince you to hire an architect if not to draw the whole thing then atleast to get some consultation. It is money well spent.

+1 - I wouldn't recommend attempting such an endeavor without some guidance from someone who's done it before. It's complicated enough just to build out a studio in an existing space.

Also, figure out your budget, and then double it.