Building collapsed in Dhaka(Bangladesh) and 700 people died 2000 people rescued


New Metal Member
Jul 5, 2012







Fuck the media of bangladesh always spreads the wrong news for saving the governments ass.. :mad:
these worker's are innocent..... they were forced to their job when the technical team already told the building will collapse anytime..
thousands have lost their families.. everyone please pray for them...
R.I.P brother's and sister's
This is so horrible. The combination of the workers not feeling safe, the owners not wanting to repair the buildings because they're part of a tight production chain, and the clothing purchasers not knowing or caring is truly awful. Bangladesh has enough problems with the trials going on right now. I hope the government does something about this, and I hope the (probably American) companies importing the clothes donate money to those families.
Nobody deserves to die on the job. Period. The contempt these rich corporations have for thier workers is beyond unreal.

Why does the world still need unions? Because greedy fuckers like the garment industry still treat human beings as garbage.

Time to stand up to these cocksuckers and organize a union.

Meanwhile here in Canada, I'll be boycotting Joe Fresh products, Loblaws, Zerhs, and any other store in the parent corporation's chain.

Mashreef, I wish you all the best, man!
Horrific. You worry how many other buildings might be like this?
Thoughts are with you, Mashreef
the situation is very worse now...
the number of death body is increasing like a fuck!!!..
and the worst part is the smell of the dead bodies
makes me all dizzy and i puked 2 times :(
some are still alive but we cant do anything.. they are just under the brocked building.. if we try to remove the brocken parts of the building
the other parts will fall into them.. eventually they will loose their legs,hands etc
its a total abomination here..
all the other buildings around are effected by this damage the army instructed them to stay atleast 100metre away from the area..
The Media:
Personally what the media is doing is a joke! All are running for channels TRPs and political benefits.
We the people of this generation can see and understand the media's yellow journalism, propaganda and bullshits. We know how to read between the lines.
Not a single channel is officially saying what is required! No live scrolls to what is needed!
These basics infos should be coordinated in all media.

The Government:
Still no official "ত্রান তহবিল"!!!!
so actually the people who are sending money or things are in doubt whether their contributions are going to right places. No monitoring in place. These are common senses. This seems to be heavily lacking at the moment....
As for the Corporate Heavyweights like GP, Robi, BanglaLink and on and on…… FAIL!!!!!
They can spend 2/1 crores taka for making 1 fancy advertisement then Pay channels 10/15 crores to air them. But when it comes to really helping the ones that need the most they seem to be dumbfounded!!!
I haven’t seen any SMS, Electronic Media or Press ads showing their condolences or supports or creating awareness.
They should have at least given infrastructural support and put up a live call center.
But SAVAR tragedy live telecast করার সময় তাদের বিয়া বাড়ির রং তামাশার বিজ্ঞাপন এর কমতি নাই. কারণ এইখানেই তো চলবে জনগনের মগজ ধোলাই...

International Conspiracy:
The conspiracy of India and China to destroy our biggest source of income to grab larger chunk, is not unknown to us. We are the next big thing in Asia. And that is a big headache to them.
Right now, the situation is bad and they will make it worse!!!
With foreign news propaganda and creating an unstable situation in the workers and those who are related.... ultimately to the Country.
Sending us 50 years back!.....