Building collapsed in Dhaka(Bangladesh) and 700 people died 2000 people rescued

^ how would it be different ? it doesn't even follow your own logic when you were talking about the fact people care about their relatively more minor news because they are theirs and not yours.
/off topic
That's fucking awful and I hope it's not already too late to find the last survivors, in a very short time there will be very little chance for anyone to have survived so long under debris. Dying trapped under concrete after a few days is one of the worst ways to die... I wish you good luck in finding those poor people...
@LeSedna the border guard of the india (bsf)
kills atleast 100-200 people brutally every fucking year..
there was big protest against it.. still none cares
and i guess you have read my ^ upper post...
they want to take over Bangladesh... because Bangladesh has assets beyond your imagination
it could have been in the top 10 powerful countries
and still we get 16 hour electricty out of 24.. because the government is so fucked up.. and busy loading up their shit
they literally dont give a fuck about us.. there are many stuffs more.. i dont have the time to post it...
i just saw something i can never forget.. :(
15 year old girl was stuck under the brocken pillars.....
she was crying out loud "save me please" there was a lot of brocken wires too.. which already has some powers left
we tried our best... at 15mins we were 80% there yes we can do it.. she was bleeding badly.. suddenly there was a minor explosion
and the girl got in fire.. suddenly the army had to tackle us back or we would have burned or hurt badly...
one of the guy couldnt stop his tears... because he promised we would save that girl...
Im returning to my city today....
i got bad fever from this... cant think or work straight..
still 500 bodies missing.. i believe the other guys can keep up the strength
Thank you for all your prayer's
than it would have been a diffrent situation...

wow, what a stupid thing to say...

I think it's good to raise awareness, try to help etc...but you want people to help because HUMANS are suffering horribly.
you're asking Europeans and Americans etc to help (which is fair enough), but you yourself say you wouldn't help if it were Indians?
If that 15 year old girl you were talking about were Indian, would you not have cared or been sad?

also: I understand that you wanna show how bad the situation is, but please remove the pictures of heavy injuries, severed limbs etc from your initial post, or I'll have to do it (not because I wanna censor, but because that are the rules here on UM).

Sorry to hear what you're going through though, really good that there are people like you who're willing to help.
Mashreef, this is kind of a stupid question but why the media keep saying there is 350 people dead instead of 700. What are real numbers by now ?
Jesus fucking Christ... this Mashreef geezer is a bit of a cunt isn't he? First he gets all butt hurt about perceived insults to Islam, then he openly says it is okay to hate Indians?

Once again good old religious intolerance rears its ugly head - Muslim Bangladesh vs Hindu India with a mixture of bad blood for years. The point that Mashreef badly makes is that we in the west often seem to care less about a death in the third world than a death in the first world. Keep us posted Mashreef and hope that this tragedy helps the people of your country fight the real culprit - corruption and greed.
Mashreef, this is kind of a stupid question but why the media keep saying there is 350 people dead instead of 700. What are real numbers by now ?

the real numbers are far from 700 now...
500 bodies are already missing..
and tbh the government bought all the media channels
so aslong this goverment is in position.. media will be their slaves
and the owner was related to this goverment...
only the people who were there knows how many died...
I thought I was going nuts for a minute. I knew there had to be others who caught that indian hate. I've got mixed feelings here. On the one hand I feel bad by those affected, on the other hand it's very hard for me to feel sorry for Mashreef, even though it seems Mashreef is helping. At this point I'm not sure I believe Mashreef.

The whole thing is ugly.