building rehearsal /studio space


New Metal Member
Aug 27, 2008
We're currently trying to turn an unfinished basement into a soundproofed rehearsal space so we don't get into trouble with the neighbors. We've got our walls up and insulated. Electric is done. And we're insulating around the air ducts and going to finish the ceiling. It's looking really good so far. Just wondering what everyone else has done for their bands.

Let me know what you think
I live at my friend's house where all our stock is in the basement but we talked with the neighbor the other day and he said he never heard anything, which is nice. We are turning the basement into an homestudio right now, I'll post pictures later.
luckily io live next to my uncle(drummer)s frriend who has an attic in his garage that is converted toa practice room. ITs got stack amps effects sound proofing and 10+ drum sets
Luckily the neighbors of my band's rehearsal space think we're "Killer." Haha
So I guess we don't really have to worry about getting the cops called on us, but a good way to avoid getting the cops call is just not to practice after dark.
Doesn't really work if you have a member that works late though. So I guess you'll just have to insulate the shit out of the room and be lucky!
We rent monthly from a local rehersal space called the "rock garden". My friend Rob runs it but i did a shit load of work to the place. some pics.



