Help me building an insulated door (and a question about cornern basstraps)


Member of Dude Castle 69
Jun 26, 2007
Kiel, Germany
Hey guys.

I'm a bit in trouble here. Since I have to use our rehearsal room as a studio for now, I was looking into ways to isolate the room as much from the other rooms as possible. The walls are 18 inches thick so they're not the problem. There is just no door. At least nothing you can call a door. It's more like a wooden sheet mounted to the wall.

The space for the door is 78" x 35". I don't think that we can buy a door and just put it in. We have to build something by ourselves. Instead of ripping out the old "door" we could take another wooden sheet which is bigger than the actual doorsize. We would put some kind of insulation on that sheet to fit the doorframe and seal it.

Do you guys have any ideas what would be working here? What kind insulation would be usefull (I don't think that rockwool is good for that kind of job?)

Oh and another question: How wide do I need to build my corner basstraps to be effective? We don't have that much space in that room and I don't want to take too much of it away with the cornertraps.

Hope someone can help me out!
If the walls are that thick you could have 2 doors couldn't you? Just make some massive ones that are 3 sheets of mdf thick, no need for insulation if theres 2 of them. Raise the frame up a bit in the middle so that you can fit sealant to make it airtight.

Sorry if that made no sense, kinda drunk at the moment haha.
haha absolutey no problem dude! Thanks for you advice. We could have two doors of course, but since this won't be my last studio room, I don't want to invest too much money into two doors. I would need some kind of frame to make them close.