rehearsal room treatment?


Member of Dude Castle 69
Jun 26, 2007
Kiel, Germany
Okay I know there are allready some threads about this but I'm not all that sure if basstraps/cornertraps will do it for our room. Our room is located in a bombshelter with plain concrete walls that reflect like hell.

We want the best possible sound we can get in that room. We have carpet all over the floor. We have the possibility to do something about the ceiling because there are some kind of gaps on the left and the right (small lines on the picture) of the room which we can use to put something like wood on it.

I would invest into basstraps (DIY) and cornertraps (what size? do I need to put something behind the basstrap to make it more effective? how many would we need?) but I'm not sure if they're what we need for a rehearsal room. On the other hand I need them anyway because I still hope to find studiorooms this year.

Here's a small sketch of our rehearsal room (paint ftw). What you can't see is that there are some pipes all over the right wall but I don't think that this will be a big problem.


Who can help!?
Whatever you do to a mixing room will be great for a live room, aside form more bass trapping! Just buy Roxul Safing Rockwool, 4.0pcf, keep it in the huge plastic bundles, and stack it ceiling high in all four corners. Deaden the wall where all the music is projecting (toward the door opening). Deadening the ceiling and the first reflection point from your PA would be awesome. Do the mirror check on the walls.
I my live room (also where my band jams) I got some of the large 4x8 and 4x12 panels of oc 703/705 wrapped em in cloth like you would any acoustic panel and suspended them from the ceiling and walls with wire you would use for a drop ceiling. sounds awesome now. I can hear everything at rehearsal and we don't have to turn up as loud
I my live room (also where my band jams) I got some of the large 4x8 and 4x12 panels of oc 703/705 wrapped em in cloth like you would any acoustic panel and suspended them from the ceiling and walls with wire you would use for a drop ceiling. sounds awesome now. I can hear everything at rehearsal and we don't have to turn up as loud

so they hang down from the ceiling like lamps? what's with all the space between them? doesn't matter?