Building my "studio"... or maybe not? Need some advice.

My place where i used to track drums was a 4*4 , actualy looks like yours with basstraps, close paralell walls...

i tracked a lot of drums there, but i think its not a good place to track drums , too small, drums come out "lifeless" the room mikes where dull sounding,overheads suffer a lot,close mics where ok but i prefer to record drums in a big, even untreated room when i got the chance , put aroud objects like diffusors in problem areas and the sound its much better, huger.
I have to mention that i tryed to compensate the problem , adding reverb sends to the Drum Buss , recording back the drums from the monitors in a bigger room and blending with originals,but the result it`s just not like a bigger room.
Of course you can achive good results everywhere if you are a good engineer.
Recenty i looked at Tue madsens site. The guy converted his little swimming pool. into the Drum tracking place.
"I have converted my pool to drum room. It sounds amazing! If you want to check it for yourself, go check out the new Heaven Shall Burn album. The drums were recorded here, and speaking of which album; It is getting rave reviews topping the soundcheck in both Metal Hammer and Rockhard!"
Thanks guys. When I was in my small room today and did some screaming I thought the rooms sounds pretty cool and not like a bathroom at all!