need advice for suggested monitors


Sep 11, 2007
Hello to all!

its time for me to get some monitors but im not shure which ones i should get. atm i have a budget of 500€ (next month 800€, thats the maximum). some data on my "bedroom studio": the room itself is NOT treated. used only shitty hifi system for mixing... i want to buy a main system which will become my secondary in the next 5 years (till i can afford really good monitors, at least i hope so!)

i know that listening to stuff before buying is A MUST (guitarist here) but.....

after reading a shit load of reviews and opinions it came down to the following:

1. yamaha hs 80 + diy room treatment
2. Adam a7(x)
3. yamaha hs 50 + hs10w

none of them is neutral or has linear response, but that seems to be the trick... the first two arent comparable for money reasons and seem to be great for their price. stereo imaging(?) seems to be good on them but yammies seem to lack the depth (or its more difficult to place instruments on the right depth..... fuck, ive problems in translating to english). but both lack low end alternative could be the 3rd option.

i heard that the blue sky 2.1 is a good system but didnt find that much reviews on it......

so what would you suggest how to spend the money? get 1 + diy room, 2 or 3?

other advices appreciated
This exact subject has been covered numerous times. I vote for option number one. The HS80's definitely don't lack in the low end for what they are, the A7's do. Whatever monitors you get, you need room treatment. The HS80's are what is widely accepted as the right choice unless you can afford to get some real high end monitors, and my personal experience confirms that to be pretty much true.