Help with buying monitors


Lag Arkane
Jun 11, 2005
The Netherlands
I am ordering monitors next week.

There are three ones i am thinking about.
Any tips and recommendations are welcome because this is going to be my first pair of monitors and you guys have way more experience hen me.

Yamaha HS 80M.

Somehow my feeling goes out to the Yamaha.

Thanks for al the advice
Definitely the Yamahas. Also, I just got a pair of Mackie MR8s (similar price range) and I find them to be pretty accurate.
i had the Rp6 for 4 years, Krk `s are very good built monitors but 3 months ago i switched to Hs80 and i am very impressed with them.
For me these works better then the Rp`s and my recomendation is the Hs .( I like the multiple setting options on the back of the yummies.)
But i think you can`t go wrong with neither, you have to set them up right, use room threatement, and learn them.

Jonas Kjellgren from Scar Symmetry, owner of Black Lounge Studio it`s using the Rp 8 s ,with great results i say :P

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