building new studio


HCAF crusher
Jul 2, 2006
Hey there,
I'm about to build a new studio and was thinking you could probably help me since I'm on a tight budget and still need alot of stuff.
Don't need any mics, computer or software, instruments etc
What I need is:

16 decent Mic Pres
1 Awesome Pre
Converters (gonna take 2 ADI8 or similar)
ca. 20 XLR cables
ca. 16 MicStands
Budget 8000€

I'm Fine with used Gear

in addition to that I'd need some auralex, selfmade-basstraps, vocalbooth etc.
budget 3500€

It's gonna be one ca 45m^2 live-room and one 30m^2 controlroom that have to be tuned and one ca.2.5m^2 room that has to be soundproof (isobooth).
since I used to teach acoustics at a music college I know how to find the sonic weaknesses, RT60, Roommodes etc, that's not the problem, my problem is to rid those freqs without tons of money, so I need to build panel-, slot-, Helmholz- absorbers etc myself.

I know, that's really tight but what preamps would you guys recommend and do you have any great links for DIY basstraps, absorbers, diffusors, soundproofing etc?.
What else do I need?


Ok cool.

16 Pre's get 2 of these, (about 1100 euros for 2 pieces)
Handmade in sweden by some ideologist guy who refuses to raise his prices, they're supposively totally awesome and he has a waiting list of a couple months on these because he makes them himself.

For the awesome pre, I would consider getting 2 channels of A Designs Pacifica which is just plain awesome, I've heard it on some shoutouts and I liked it the most on a lot of instruments (2000 euros or so)

As far as the other's go, I've done a search on DIY basstraps on gearslutz but I couldnt come across the thread i was looking for. You'll basically need owens corning 703
I'd say get 2 RME Octamic D: 16 great preamps with VERY good converters and get out of those with ADAT.

If those are the same from the fireface, IMHO, they're not 'spectacular'.

I think a seperate converter alongside mic pre's is a wiser decision, leaving more space for modifications and upgrades :headbang:
If those are the same from the fireface, IMHO, they're not 'spectacular'.

I think a seperate converter alongside mic pre's is a wiser decision, leaving more space for modifications and upgrades :headbang:

rme's preamps are definetly more than usable. yes they arent "spectacular", but with a good source and good mics and micing technique they can produce good results. nothing in the price range that lsd has to work with for 16 pres is gonna be spectacular. everything will be a different shade of usable, imho.
nothing in the price range that lsd has to work with for 16 pres is gonna be spectacular. everything will be a different shade of usable, imho.

Have you heard the Line pre-amps I suggested earlier? I have no personal experience with these but I get a good vibe out of those. The website is so terribly 1992 it shows they do little to nothing to market their products. Good products will sell themselves and a 8 channel pre is high on my list as well as one of their quadraphonic microphones. :heh:

The A Design's Pacifica I talked about earlier is amazing, I totally heard the difference in this pre versus others and its about 1000 euros for a channel

everything will be a different shade of usable, imho.
I'm gonna have to agree with you on this one :)

But theres so much more factors that you can apply moreinfluence on than the higher fidely of a mic pre. Try moving one band of a EQ. So I guess getting something that just 'works with low noise' would be best in any case :headbang:
Cool guys, thanks for all the good advices.

I already work with the Quadmic and multiface/fireface and they suit my needs well, so I think I might go with the octamic D (including the converters), can't beat that price.
the top-notch pre is a bit harder to find....seems to be impossible to get an A Design's or great river here in Germany :(.

Yep, I think I'm gonna solder my own cables, I like that work and can save some bucks that way.

Studio's gonna be in Lübeck (north of germany).


the top-notch pre is a bit harder to find....seems to be impossible to get an A Design's or great river here in Germany :(. (pacifica distributor)
(Great River electronics distributor)

Maybe a Millennia would be an idea

I'm with D-T-T when it comes to this. Building yourself might be a rough job but it'll be most rewarding. I intent on treatening my mixing room too when I have the cash to build traps :) (its gonna be my living room... imagine that :D lolz0rs)
Pres I think about: (all in the 2000-2400€ range)

API 3124+ (4 channel)
Great River MP2-nv
A Design's Pacifica

I've heard nothing but good things about the Great River but my feeling tells me the API will probably not suck too much either ;)
unfortunately I don't have the possibility to testdrive them, so I'd need your advice once again ......

somehow I'm torn towards the API, I think 4 channels for 2100€ is hard to beat (200€ less than the 2ch the GR that much better?)

I primarily need the pre for distorted guitars and vox, but of course it should rule on everything else as well ;)

saving some money for the converters (octamic d) I'm thinking about even buying new monitors
thinking about
Genelec 1031
Adam p11a
Adam s1a

what do you think?

just pulled the trigger on the API 3124+ I'm exited like hell!!!!!

it's gonna take 2weeks-2month until it'll arrive though.....can't wait!



Ha, no Palmer-DI box-shit for me anymore....this is my new reamp unit,.....also it's gonna kill on guitars, snares and hopefully vocals

just pulled the trigger on the API 3124+ I'm exited like hell!!!!!

it's gonna take 2weeks-2month until it'll arrive though.....can't wait!



Ha, no Palmer-DI box-shit for me anymore....this is my new reamp unit,.....also it's gonna kill on guitars, snares and hopefully vocals

good choice man. the 3124 is at the top of my list. dont forget about using it on toms as well. i think for rock and metal, with the right mic in front of it, the api will excel on most sources.