Do you need "room in room" etc?


HCAF crusher
Jul 2, 2006
Hey, this is about planning great studios on a tight budget (as I'm still doing atm).
For the Controlroom I'l just go with good but easy-DIY acoustics...with the usual mixing SPL of about 85dBspl I don't think I need special sound-proofing (no direct neighbors).
But I'm planning a 60-70sq meters live-room...
It's a usual building (no direct "wall-to-wall" building about 8meters away )...
It's impossible for me to pay a room-in-room-solution of that size (I was thinking about a small vocalbooth perhaps) but I'd like to use that 60sqmetr room for tracking drums etc....I think drums can easily reach 100dB though.....
what do you think, is it totally stupid to plan a studio without considering "room-in-room"isolation for tracking drums?
(imagine the location like a big garage in the garden).

people that run a studio (Oz, Brett, James, etc) what do you think?

btw...I don't wanna compromise on recordingquality, I want to be able to deliver professional results, it should be a PROFESSIONAL studio.
I'd rather put some money in acoustic treatment than in soundproofing tho.