Live Room AND Control Room


Feb 18, 2006
I recently acquired my first pair of monitors ever, some Yamaha HS8's. Before that I was using headphones for all my tracking.

I only have one very small room in which to do my mixing and tracking.
I was hoping to record some guitars today but I am concerned about recording a loud amp in the same room as my new delicate monitors.

Is it possible to put set my 5150 up for some loud recording and then let it blast away a metre away from my monitors? Will they get damaged?
Am I an absolute idiot for even considering this?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated! :D
your monitors wont get damage by the blasting 5150. if you try to get them to blast at the same volume as the 5150 they might.
not sure if i understand your question tho
As long as they're broken in a bit I wouldn't worry. Isn't that how Ola recorded most of his stuff? Just turn up the drums in the monitors, and let er rip? He never had headphones and was always right next to his amps. You'll be fine.