What's causing metronome bleed into DI guitar?


Jun 8, 2010
Los Angeles
Okay, I've sourced this to the monitor volume when playing the backing track with the metronome too loud... but is there a way to shield my guitar away from the metronome bleed when recording direct into the interface?

We were tracking my band's EP last night in Reaper and were playing louder than usual and during the guitar breaks the metronome was bleeding into every guitar/pickup we had available to test. Tried different cables and software settings, only way it went away is if we used headphones or played the monitors low :P

would running a longer cable to the other side of the room be a bad idea when tracking DI's? Say 10 or 12 feet away?

would having the monitors too close to the interface do this or just the pickups getting the magnetic field from these entry level M-Audio monitors? gonna try different monitors next week...
what interface? i had the same problem with a M-Audio FastTrack (first generation). i talked to the m-audio-support, it was a design-error in the interface (crosstalk). no chance to aviod it. new interface was the solution.
Why don't you just use headphones?

If you use headphones and it still bleeds, then it could be bad mixing board, if it bleeds into another channel.

Probably guitar pickup is picking up the sound from your monitors. If you don't have headphones, don't need feedback from guitar (don't crank real amp in the same room or your studio monitors to gain feedback) then just turn down the sound that comes from monitors, just so you can still hear it and play through it. Also, if you use higher gain, pickup will pick up more of metronome sound or any sound around you in the room. It acts like a microphone. For example, vocals on one song from Satyricon's Rebel extravaganza were recorded through guitar pickup.
