Bulb - New Ambient Groove Song! (Blackmachine B6, Axefx)


Jan 4, 2007
Sup guys, been a bit busy as of late dealing with life, periphery and cold/crappy weather's ability to make me miseraboo.
Anyways, this is a new song im working on, i really have no idea what band/project i will use it with if any, but ill figure all of that out later, but i feel like its a little different from usual fare, definitely on the less hectic side of things!

The song is called "Press Enter" and you can hear it here:
http://soundclick.com/share?songid=7387008 for you soundclickers

Sounds friggin sweet, dude.

Blackmachine? Axefx? Where do you get all your monies? I want monies for toys like that.

Also I must add that you have an uncanny ability to make songs that are heavy as anything I've heard, yet are actually quite relaxing at the same time. Whoodathunkit possible? Kudos.
thanks dudes!
haha yeah i have been recording bands lately and saving up, i think of them as investments for my studio or something....haha well i dont spend my money on anything else cuz these things make me smile!
thanks dudes!
haha yeah i have been recording bands lately and saving up, i think of them as investments for my studio or something....haha well i dont spend my money on anything else cuz these things make me smile!

Can you link me to some of these bands later on msn? :D
Can you link me to some of these bands later on msn? :D

No, link them here! I want to hear some of these Bulbz mixes of other bands. I've heard "wanna-be-Bulb" mixes from other bands before, but it would be cool to hear other bands actually produced and mixed by the Bulb himself!
Wow, that's a side I haven't heard of you... and it's great as usual. Great tone you got out of the AxeFX there and the drums are cool too!

That track makes me feel miserable... that's a compliment! ;)
ah thanks so much guys!!

Sounds awesome. What drums are these?

They are Superior 2.0!

uladyne/dodo: well i did Tosin's album Animals as Leaders (www.myspace.com/animalsasleaders)
did some local bands, currently finishing up a rock project im getting paid for, and im almost done with the album for a band callled Stray From The Path
i have some more bands queued up but i just need to see if i can manage my time well enough to be able to do those without interfering with the Periphery album's deadlines!
haha thanks dudes! dont worry the lyrics will be about badass things like armored bears with lasers and naked women (the kind who dont break your heart unless they are breaking it with their fiery fist!)

and now for something completely different:
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I'm in New York night now (coming from Texas) so I'm going to try to make your 3/21 show. Maybe I'll be the first Texan to see a Periphery show. Your stuff is currently dominating my playlist on my subway rides.
oh wow thats exciting, talk about pressure to deliver!
we will be playing with a fill in drummer for that show, but my god he is phenomenal! if we end up with a drummer even remotely like him, i will call orbo leaving a total blessing in disguise! Oh and this will be our second show with chris on vocals, and based off of how he has performed at practice, that should be a treat as well!!
pleeeeeeaaaase record a video and upload to youtube/myspaz

Id love to hear you guys with some vocals live. :OMG: