Bulb - Producing/Cowriting Haunted Shores New Ep!


Jan 4, 2007
Hey guys

Mark Holcomb from Haunted Shores asked if he could hire me to produce and cowrite the new Haunted Shores Ep with him as the rest of his band quit.

Since he is the main riffwriter and incredibly talented and of a unique style, i figured it would be a cool idea, and after completing this song i really feel good about taking on this project.

Yesterday we completed a song and he posted it up on the HS myspace today (no vocals...yet! but i have someone in mind who is very good at singing and screaming and i think he will do very well with this, oh and the bass is fake bass once again since i still havent collected my bass from my friends place...

Anyways you can hear the song (It's called "Immaterial") here:

Really great song! Can definitely hear that you have been involved, sounds alot like your songs ( which I love :)).

Would love to hear it in a higher quality than myspace though.
thanks guys!
its axefx ultra as per usual! and the ep should be out in the near future (once we finish writing/recording it haha)
Hows the Periphery album coming along? I'm super stoked to actually be able to buy a Misha/Bulb/Periphery product! It feels like we've all watched you grow musically, and its cool to see you have label support now. :kickass:
Sounds really good. I would like to hear some more bass in there, but maybe i'm feeling that a bit since there's no vocals and the center seems kind of hollow.