BULLETRIDDEN "Songs written........." Coming soon

Underground Movement

New Metal Member
Aug 23, 2008
-----------TIME FOR MORE FILTH & BRUTALITY-----------

......Get ready for some nasty F**k'n Warcrust from Bristol.......


"Songs written before jumping out of an eigth story window" CD

Will be releasesed through Underground Movement in December, for those of you unaware as to what your in for?? well lets say your in for a battering of twisted Metal and Punk with influences from the crushing downtune of Entombed to the crust fest of Wolfpack. (Hear a track uploaded on the Underground Movement myspace


Ex members of Bomb-blast-men, Varukers, Black Eye Riot and Gurkha
and current members of Warprayer, Violent Arrest and The Rejected team up to make the darkest sounding hardcore for the coming storm Despair, anger and hatred are sewn into a body bag of metal riffing and punk aggro. The end is fucking nigh and BulletRidden are here to celebrate that fact


"Jesus H Fucking Christ! The lead off riff of opening track 'The
Light Is Retreating' is absolutely fucking crushing and would, I dare say,
make nine out of ten cats shit blood. Welcome to the world of Bullet
Ridden, Bristol-based purveyors of some of the finest metal-tinged crust
you'll hear this decade. Consisting of members of a variety of bands past
and present Bullet Ridden have hit upon a sound and vibe that brings to mind
Extinction of Mankind, Bolt Thrower, Driller Killer and even a bit of
Stockholm death metal a la Dismember. They don't fuck about. Anyway down to
business...the songs. Well, kicking off with that riff, opener 'The Light Is
Retreating' kicks everything off with a huge blast, frontman Martin (King)
Einon's vocals perfectly complimenting the huge noise blasting forth.
Hoarse, barking, venomous but never indecipherable, he sounds even better
fronting this lot than his other band Warprayer. Next up is 'Whet The
Scythe' a great mid-paced blaster again anchored by a great riff. Guitarist
Chris really does turn in an outstanding display and his riffing really
underpins the power of this disc. 'Leave Me To The Dogs' and 'Killstorm' up
the pace that continues relentlessly throughout the remainder of the ten
songs on offer here. Other highlights include 'Peace Up A Rope' and
'Monorchid' with their frantic pace and crushing midsections. Whilst waxing
lyrical about the music, you also have to have a scan at the lyrics - very
dark, intelligent and highly cynical. The cd is rounded off nicely by
closing track 'Do This In Remembrance Of Me' which really is an absolute
cracker. A fucking monstrously brooding, chugging, almightily fucking
crushing fucker of a little ditty. Recorded at the 1in12 by BriDOOM this has a
production that totally belies this being a debut and really does put the icing
on a very fucking tasty cake indeed. I just hope they get out and gig like
bastards now and can't wait to hear more from them. Totally fucking top

Hear the world collapse in on itself:


Check out ATHEOS on the next Zero Tolerence cover mount, and live tomorrow night in Fibbers, Dublin with MORPHOSIS.

Check out INSTINCT OF SURVIVAL on the next Terrorizer covermount...