Dark Funeral


Sep 9, 2006
What do you think of Dark Funeral? I think they're cool, I like the vocals and the riff style in their songs, you can hear it a mile away.:) I like the songs I've heard off Attera Toctus Sanctus so far, Godhate, 666 Voices Inside, and Final Ritual. I'm trying to learn to play part of An Apprentice of Satan on guitar now by Dark Funeral. I don't hear too many bands with the Dark Funerak chord type riffing but in Ye Entracemperium by Emperor there's a riff in the middle that sounds like a Dark Funeral style riff.
Eh, I'm not a huge fan. I used to like them alright but I've drifted away from them for some reason. Same with Gorgoroth.
Alot of people hate them but I don't think they are awful. They aren't particularly good either. They have their moments.
The Secrets Of The Black Arts was their best along with Diabolis Interium. Attera Totus Sanctus sounds like it has nothing to do with Black Metal IMO.