Bunkerville NV gov agents killing cattle.

Loren Littlejohn

Lover of all boobage.
I'm kind of surprised this hasn't been posted yet. My FB is blowing up with it as it's been happening all day.

Basically as I understand it, back in the Clinton administration the government decided to take a bunch of land using a turtle (claim that cattle were messing with tortoises) or something like that to justify it. Apparently there is nothing to support that claim so I'm guessing it was a good way to make money of permits but who knows.

This Bundy guy basically said FU and didn't stop having his cattle graze said land since his family had been doing it since 1870s. Let me make it clear I think Bundy is a full blown moron. :lol:

Anyway, I guess they finally decided to make good on the threat and are removing the cattle from the property... not being all that gentle about it. They are under court order to impound the cattle, of course Bundy calls it stealing.

Bunch of protesting, tazers, helicopters, snipers (yup snipers), dump truck and backhoe to remove or bury carcasses etc...

People are pretty pissed that cows are being killed mostly as far as I can tell. Of course they also see it as the big bad government overstepping their powers as well, but most of the video I have witnessed where people were acting against agents appeared to be most motivated by the removal equipment (dump truck and back hoe).

Anyhow, the funniest thing I have read today was that they had a roped off area marked 1st amendment area. Nobody used it and I guess someone left a note saying "the first amendment is not an area." :headbang: :lol:

Actually here is a picture of the first amendment area.

"The dispute between Bundy and federal land managers began in 1993 when he stopped paying fees of about $1.35 per cow-calf pair to graze public lands that are also home to imperiled animals such as the Mojave Desert tortoise. The BLM also claims Bundy has ignored cancellation of his grazing leases and defied federal court orders to remove his cattle.

Bundy has said in legal documents that his right to graze the land predates the government's management of it, that he was "a citizen of Nevada and not a citizen of the territory of the United States," and that the BLM failed to produce proof it had jurisdiction over the lands. His wife, Carol Bundy, said in an interview with Reuters on Monday that it was "a freedom issue that we're really fighting here." (http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/04/12/us-usa-ranchers-nevada-idUSBREA3B03Q20140412)

Definitely doesn't sound like he's kind of insane.
I'm curious if there has been any evidence that the tortoise was really under threat due to cattle grazing. It would seem to go against logic IMO since he was grazing his cattle so long prior.

I am also curious if they really mean conservationists or if they mean animal rights activates. There is a giant difference between the two.

I don't hold Reid in the highest regard either (in terms of the terrorist remark). I'm seeing this kind of stupidity from my own governor. People don't agree with you? Call them extremists because that will work. Or even better tell them there is no place in the state for you. :rolleyes:
I'm curious if there has been any evidence that the tortoise was really under threat due to cattle grazing. It would seem to go against logic IMO since he was grazing his cattle so long prior.

I am also curious if they really mean conservationists or if they mean animal rights activates. There is a giant difference between the two.

I don't hold Reid in the highest regard either (in terms of the terrorist remark). I'm seeing this kind of stupidity from my own governor. People don't agree with you? Call them extremists because that will work. Or even better tell them there is no place in the state for you. :rolleyes:

My understanding is the the tortoise thing dates back to 1993 and they weren't eliminating his right to graze but limiting it. Normally that kind of concern crops up around a research project in the area or on that animal specifically. I don't know a lot about tortoises but it's easy for me to imagine that a huge population of non-indigenous herd animals grazing could upset a population of slow moving ground animals.
Now whatever motives or ulterior motives the BLM had, this guy illegally grazed and racked up fines for 20 years (and 3 administrations) before the BLM took action. As it stands he could easily go to jail and/or lose the land he does own for failing to pay. I fully concede the possibility that the federal government has plans for this land and that was the motivation to act now but the bottom line to me is we are talking about a single family's claim that they should be allowed free and unrestricted use of land they don't own. Having lived most of my life on the east coast that notion seems crazy and it also seems antithetic to the values of the very libertarians who are so up in arms. Letting some farmers use land for free while others have to buy theirs is essentially welfare and also far from free market.

I agree that Reid over stated the facts but then again, there is a big difference between protestors with signs and protesters with guns. I concede that all of the protestors had a constitutional right to both protest and carry firearms but simultaneous exercise of those rights dramatically escalated the tension.
I agree that Bundy should be paying his fees like every other rancher. He claims he doesn't recognize the federal government.....the very same government that subsidizes farmer such as him and other farmers. These people who claim they are taking up arms and fighting for freedom against an overreaching gov. are the same people that called members of BLA, black thugs and terrorist and called for their execution.
I agree that Reid over stated the facts but then again, there is a big difference between protestors with signs and protesters with guns. I concede that all of the protestors had a constitutional right to both protest and carry firearms but simultaneous exercise of those rights dramatically escalated the tension.

Eh that's hard for me to agree with because everything I saw seemed to show the BLA escalating well before people with firearms even showed up. While I agree the rancher is being a cunt, I still think the BLA didn't do themselves any favors responding like they did. The only smart thing I think they did was back down after being told were the line in the sand was, nobody need or wants another Waco.

The Ranchers wife was initially asking people to show up and protest peacefully (unarmed). I read that press release myself. It seemed to escalate as everything else did.

I really don't know why they didn't just arrest the rancher or garnish his wages or something (seems like the fines SHOULD have actually been the issue), or arrest him or take away any gov funding etc... Basically anything other than showing up, killing some cattle, spending a fuck ton of taxpayer money to show the public how big their cock is, using snipers, using dogs, tazers, expecting people to exercise a right in a pre determined area (the 1st, not the second). Overall not really the best way to get er done.

One thing I am certain of, this is NOT over. It would only be over if the state government told the fed to fuck off (not likely IMO) or enough of the public sided with the rancher (also not likely).

I'm guessing they won't go about it the same way again though.