"Buried by the dead" by chris

This sounds really good. The Mike deeps with the peter highs. This is my fav audition. I never wanted to bash chris, he's a awsome vocalist, but i wanted more variety and this shows his real talent. Good fucking job!
After hearing this, I must say Chris is the man for the job! Too bad my vote doesn't count.
We need feedback from Blakkheim! Where are ya man?
huh, well I hate to go against everyone, but I still don't think it's good enough for bloodbath......the vocals kind of remind me of Burton C. Bell from Fear Factory. Good job, but not quite there imo
man look this side:
he's young one...he will be better in time and he's new talent for metal music.like anders want it.
btw anders say
5. Keep in mind we're looking for a new frontman, someone able to work a large audience with charisma and skill.

hell yeah chris born to do this.!
Blackened Rainbow said:
btw anders say
5. Keep in mind we're looking for a new frontman, someone able to work a large audience with charisma and skill.
yeah Anders did say that, but unless you know Chris personally then I don't see how you would know he has the charisma to work an audience **shrugs**

uhh yeah Fear Factory does suck ass, now anyway, I used to like them, before OBSOLETE came out, but I just don't think Chris's vocals are good enough, they're good for other death metal stuff, just not BLOODBATH

Chris could we hear just some like killer screams? If you can pull of some killer screams then I'll change my mind and say that you deserve the job