Buried By The Dead COVER


Apr 5, 2003
Here's a cover of Buried by the Dead by my band, Satanic Dirge.. Since I am currently lacking a keyboardist and a drummer, it's pretty much me by myself at the moment. So I recorded the guitars and the bass on my own, and I programmed the drums. Soon I shall (try) to record some vocals, but I haven't really figured out how to growl in different pitches yet.

Also I realise the guitars are mixed too low, that will be fixed in the final version (with the vocals) because it is hard to tell how loud it is when you are using headphones through a laptop.

Equipment is a Silvertone bass, the electric guitar is a Rogue (by Squier) and I used a multi-effect guitar pedal - Digitech RP300A for Distortion.

Click Here To Listen

So yeah, this is the instrumental version with low-mixed guitars and no vocals. If you want to record vocals for it, go ahead - but change the artist name when you're done with the mp3. I will post the finished version maybe in a week or so, this is a busy week and I won't be able to growl so much because my Grandma is coming over for a week. o_O
Well, I think you did a great job on this cover. In fact I have been listening to it for the last half an hour :D

Anyways, if anyone wants to hear a very rough track from my band Chainsaw Castration called Crude Esophagus Dissection CLICK HERE This was recorded on a POS mr-8 and is only the guitar and vocal tracks for now. We are going to do a demo in a studio this summer, and when we do we will have a AWSOME drummer behind the kit to make us sound good :cool: . Please note that the vocals on this override the rest of the recording quite a bit because of the freaking inputs from going directly from my amp or pedal are not working so I had to mic up the amp instead of doing a direct line. I did my best in Acid screenblast to get it so the vocals dont totally dominate the rest. And no, no effects or 'cuffing' was used to modify the vocals.
Hee, I'm honored that you guys like it so much... I didn't think it would get such a good response, especially since my timing on a lot of parts was screwed up and I made some mistakes on guitar, most of them were on bass though because I only did 2 takes of the bass, the first part where it fades out, and then one more for after the fade until the end of the song. I did uber-heavy power chords at the end with the bass but you can't really tell... :(

The guitars sound fuzzy because I have them really distorted, and I think I might have recorded them too loud and then turned em down, so it's awkward. And also the bass is distorted using the same distortion as the guitars, proving that E Tuning can be Brutal! XD

But playing the song in E tuning might make my vocals sound more in-place since I don't think I can go quite as low as the Almighty. Speaking of vocals, it might take longer than I thought to record them. My grandma is here with her 2 dogs, and I don't have time to do anything for atleast a week.... So that stinks!

I think I might re-record the song, but I don't know if I will change the distortion because I like it.. especially on the bass, that's badarse.. you gotta be here to experience the explosion of the bass. :) Although I will try to figure out how to get rid of extra noise / static and such coming through my recording.

Instruments recorded using Adobe Audition 1.5
Drumtracks made using FL Studio 5.0.2.

And incase anyone was wondering, my band is going to play a new genre I am trying to create, known as "progressive black metal" or "majestic" black metal... I'm still trying to work out the details....
hmm, not too bad, oink. the drum sound is pretty impressive for programmed, i could use something like that since i too lack a drummer...and a vocalist. i'm gonna try and record some original guitar tracks pretty soon, a buddy of mine has a pretty nice home recording studio *in his room*, vocal booth and everything...his parents' house was on some home redesign show on the home & garden network or something, the bastard :tickled: ...but yeah, they're originals and i'm working on lyrics but i can't growl, so...any takers? :D
cthulufhtagn said:
hmm, not too bad, oink. the drum sound is pretty impressive for programmed, i could use something like that since i too lack a drummer...and a vocalist. i'm gonna try and record some original guitar tracks pretty soon, a buddy of mine has a pretty nice home recording studio *in his room*, vocal booth and everything...his parents' house was on some home redesign show on the home & garden network or something, the bastard :tickled: ...but yeah, they're originals and i'm working on lyrics but i can't growl, so...any takers? :D

*raises hand
I found a little microphone in my room that probably costed $2 at the time they bought it. (which means now it probably costs 3 cents or less) but it is what I will have to use to record vocals over the song. It's all I have. I plugged it into my amplifier and put it at full distortion and it sounded wikked, but too fuzzy. So I will probably figure something out and put the overdrive pretty low and just hook it from the amp into the laptop. Grandma's here so nothing is getting done yet. Today they had me build a bed, and yesterday they made me cut like 2 miles of grass by myself with no break. *sigh*

I'm still trying to decide if I want to go with prog black, or just prog metal... because although I would like to growl in my music, I'm not really into all the satan worshipping and trying to make 'grim' and creepy-sounding riffs and orchestra stuff. So I might just go with prog metal as the band genre. I don't guess it matters though because I'll make whatever I want.... I spent a couple years when I was starting out making music for an MMORPG, so I will probably try to work some kind of exciting RPG-like music together. Sort of like an Emperor's 'Opus A Satana' type of sound you could say. Feedback yo? I'd like to be a band like Pain of Salvation where I would just have freedom to write whatever. Cause I like so many genres, black - prog metal and rock, death, ambient and electronic, folk and melodic metals..
no reason to limit yourself by trying to fit within a genre tag. those are stupid anyway, just arbitrary ways to categorize the uncategorizable. play what you feel like playing.

and jinn, cool, i'll try and get my stuff recorded and get some lyrics down soon, hopefully within the next week or two. :headbang:
cthulufhtagn said:
no reason to limit yourself by trying to fit within a genre tag. those are stupid anyway, just arbitrary ways to categorize the uncategorizable. play what you feel like playing.

and jinn, cool, i'll try and get my stuff recorded and get some lyrics down soon, hopefully within the next week or two. :headbang:

Sounds good to me. You can reach me via email [ drynwhyl@ieatcatsforfun.com ]

or AIM


BTW... I went off-beat in some parts... mainly due to my not listening to the song beforehand, but also because my guitarist kept making me miss my cue by punching me in the shoulder during the recording process.

I kicked his arse good.
Jinn, were you gonna record buried by the dead vocals on that track? I'd like to hear it. :O
I did record the vox... scroll up.

And yes, I am, by my own words, a failure, as I proclaimed that anyone who sang anything off of RTC and is not THE ALMIGHTY is a failure.