Burn Without Me - new band

Not really self-promotion - this is a new local band called Burn Without Me - I helped record and mix their album.

Burn Without Me - album is called "A Tale of Modern Ruin"
They're kind of "experimental grindcore", but they also throw in some cleaner King Crimson-ish stuff, too. All instrumental (nobody wanted to attempt vocals). Really hard to describe - almost sound like Fantomas at times, then they sound like Marduk or Dark Funeral for five seconds, changing from one style to another without rhyme or reason. Weird synths with odd voice samples (I have no clue where these weird samples came from - sounds like a bad kung fu movie at times).

Their main website is at

but their album is currently streaming at:
"Holy Blade of Death" - the 2nd album from Burn Without Me is almost done. I'm in the midst of mixing it, and Seth is finalizing the last songs. It should be ready and available for free download in a week or so at their Myspace page, and their Homepage, and most likely at last.fm also.

Their main website is at

but their album is currently streaming at:

I helped them out a little more in the songwriting area, and actually ended up playing a lot of the guitars and guitar solos this time. Lots 'a fun.