burning master cds


Jul 27, 2005
hey guys,

one question for those who master professionally, i.e. master stuff that'll actually see a pressing plant rather than myspace conversion.

what programs do you use to error check your masters?
any special advice regarding CD-R's, burn speeds, burning programs etc?

i'm starting to get some more serious work and want to have my ass covered so i don't get nasty surprises at the duplication stage.
You can't search that, no strings are atleast 4 characters long..

Burning Progs: Roxio has always worked well for me...

Well I just went through something similar and I wrote it up in my blog:


Anyway I use K-Probe which only works for Lite-On Drives which also manufacturers other brands. Plextools comes with Plextor Drives and it is now it is DVDInfoPro which works with a set list of manufacturers.

Spec is 220 BLER. Mastering houses tend to shoot for below 100 or even below 50.

I like Taiyo Yuden which is now JVC. TDK used to buy their media from Taiyo Yuden as well. Others tend to be fine, but I get the lowest BLER with Taiyo Yuden. For drives and speed it is all variable.

Internet folklore (which is all out of date) suggests slowest speed or half speed.
guess i'll get some tajyo yuden / jvc disks right away.

as for drives, are there any "industry standard" drives that you can recommend? i stumbled upon the plextor 880sa drive which is also priced very decently, but i've already found some info badmouthing it.....