Burning Saviours - Hundus

this reminds me of what Jens Ryden pulled a couple of years ago with Naglfar.

except this time i actually care

edit: swizzlenuts, Hundus is a wonderful album and that track is one gem among many
Once my pay check goes through, I'm not sure why it hasn't. I'll pick up this, Isole, and the Incantation reissue.
Jim LotFP said:
I hate when people make stupid life choices. I hope the band breaks big (non-metal bands are allowed to be successful... ;)) and this guy is stuck in some government service job thinking about what he could be doing every day instead of filing some welfare brood's paperwork.

He said he was continuing his education, he didn't say he was focusing on a career or anything, and he never said he wasn't going to consider coming back some day either.
I really fucking hope Andrei comes back... I'm spinning the s/t again right now and WOW, his vocals -and the whole album- are better than I remembered.

The Giant

^live vid with the old lineup!
I was listening to Hundus last night. This might actually make my top albums of the year list.
My only complaint is that "Lets Dance!" and "The Man I Used to Be" aren't up to par with the rest of the album. They have their charms, but the songwriting isn't on the same level.

The title track, on the other hand, is a colossal epic with great atmosphere and good lyrics too! What a way to close out the album!
I need this and the first one...and the new Witchcraft...and the second Witchcraft...I just saw that Witchcraft has a split out with THE SWORD? And The Sword covers Led Zeppelin on it. WTF
Who has heard the new album? Is the new singer on this one or is he just singing at the shows?

Let's hear it, is it as good as Hundus?
I love Hundus! I need to get on the new one... hopefully it's still good...

There's way too many quality bands.... I know that's not something to normally complain about... but really....
That is why anyone who says that music these days sucks or there's nothing good coming out is totally fucked imo

And yeah, Hundus would have been a damn good contender for album of 2006 until Warning destroyed all competition