Burning Skies - Murder by Means of Existence

Dec 21, 2003
Sudbury, Canada
Burning Skies - Murder by Means of Existence
Lifeforce Records – 2004
By Adam McAuley


Well, the opening scream is exciting. That's one of the only strongly redeeming factors I could find in what is generally a very lackluster affair. Burning Skies strike up a combination of hardcore and early Swedish sounding death metal, one that could be done well if the best traits are taken from each genre. Here, however, each of the components is diluted, and the product comes off as well-below average, and less than competent. Comparing the outfit to the likes of At the Gates, and Dismember, as is done in the band info, isn’t really accurate because what few traits they share with these masters are hardly even discernable in their overall style.

Tepid drumming, a rather messy production job and little to no innovation top off the prime list of complaints I have with Burning Skies. The often mid-paced riffs are recycled throughout, and never attain anything beyond being mildly enjoyable. The attempted energy and anger the band portrays doesn’t redeem them either, because partway through the release you won’t even be interested enough in the music to care if the musicians enjoy performing it. Aside from the aforementioned scream, track 9, an instrumental, is a small diversion, but I really can’t commend Burning Skies in any particular area. The vocals are trite, the music is dull and fades into the background, and the other performances are nothing to write home about.

So, combine a band that doesn’t seem to know whether they want to be hardcore or death metal with the fact that you’ve heard far more compelling material from both genres, and there’s little reason to bother listening to Burning Skies at all.


Official Burning Skies website
Official Lifeforce Records website