Bush Can Eat My Shit

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It's a sad day when you realize 50% of the people in your country are as stupid as your village idiot President. Is everyone ready for another Korean war against Kim Jong Ill? After Iraq, Iran is next on his hitlist. If all this shit doesn't bring on Armageddon make sure you vote for Hillary Clinton in 2008.
If Bush can eat your shit..
Please? Would you be so kind and feed him?
I'm sure there are more who would like to donate.
feces is very popular around here..
Now go find yourself a dealer....... :Smokedev:

Fuck Hillary Clinton I Hope She Dies.

you also said that you hope she gets shot.

You're such a winner.
That Bush, Hammered The Lefties And Commo's!!!

What Are They Going To Do Now, Hahaha
Anyone who has paid even fleeting attention to the last four years knows that Bush's performance as president has been dismal. The economy tanked, and his only solution was to lower taxes -- three times -- with the bulk of each cut going to the wealthy. He started two wars. He has reduced our liberties. The environment, under Bush, has been under continual assault as he favored the profits of corporations over the health our citizens and the beauty of nature. Bush has sought at every fork in the road to divide us rather than unite us, and to make us feel afraid rather than secure. He has run the most secretive government in decades. On a more personal level, he is inarticulate, uncurious, overly religious as a government leader, and seems intellectually incapable of thinking in terms beyond black and white. Many acknowledge that his staff, including Dick Cheney, make the true decisions.

And yet he may win. Again, this speaks volumes about America's national character. But what kind of country are we to choose George Bush as our leader?

First and foremost we must be ignorant, not only of Bush's policies and their effects, but ignorant of our place in the world. Recent polls found that Bush supporters were far more likely to believe the lies about Iraq and Saddam Hussein's threats to America than were those who oppose him. And this is not a matter of opinion; this is a matter of fact. Bush supporters are simply wrong. So it is tempting to say that we are not only ignorant, but stupid, but this is not the case. Instead, we have been misled by Bush and Cheney. They have convinced us of the big lie, and we were too distracted, or the media was too kind -- or complicit in the lie -- to discover the truth.

In addition to this lack of knowledge and curiosity, we are vengeful. After the attacks of 9-11 far too many of us were willing to attack and kill. No questions asked. Just attack and kill. So we invaded Afghanistan, which had harbored bin Laden, and installed our own government. How many of us sought other solutions? How many of us bothered to consider that war was not the only choice? Not many, it seems. We had been attacked, and we sought revenge.

Couple this vengefulness with our ignorance and gullibility, and we were more than ready to launch yet another war against Iraq. We were foolish enough to fall for Bush's hype about "the most dangerous weapons known to man." Now we are locked in a quagmire of our own making. Rather than insist that Bush choose a peaceful solution, we offered up our sons, our daughters, our mothers, our fathers for his war. Now over 1,000 of them are dead. And still we support him.

This willingness to stomp about the globe in search of evil says two more things about us: we are arrogant, and we believe God is on our side. What is truly on our side, however, is, once more, ignorance, and a military budget ten times all the other nations on earth combined. We are power mad, convinced that we are making the world a better place, even though recent data shows that 100,000 Iraqis are dead because of our war. Even though our own soldiers are being attacked dozens of times daily. Even though 300 tons of high explosives have been looted. This is a better place? For whom?

Has life improved in America? Are we safer, healthier, better educated, more prosperous? The answer, on all counts, is a resounding "No." Bush has shown no inclination to secure the ports, to ensure a supply of flu shots, to decrease our costs of drugs, to make honest reforms of education, or to increase the minimum wage. Life in America, according to the statistics, has declined under Bush. We are paid less. More of us live in poverty. Fewer of us have health care.

Yet we support George Bush.

When we add up these characteristics -- the arrogance, ignorance, hubris, willful stupidity, vengefulness -- the American that emerges is truly ugly. And this is us
The thing is everytime there is a war similar situations happen, history repeats and nothing changes. So why even bother to care , things will never change even after we are gone.

You make alot of really good points though and thats cool that you know what your talking about.