Busking suggestions?


HMAS Slagdestroyer
Mar 23, 2005
Sydney, Australia
I need some ideas for busking songs. I'm about to head off to Europe with nowhere near enough cash to survive 3 months so I'm hoping to busk my way to a semi-comfortable backpacker lifestyle. I already have about 30-40 songs down which should be enough but I want to learn a few simple/quick ones as well. Any suggestions appreciated but generally I'm looking for ideas like Queensryche "Bridge", Dickinson "Navigate the Seas of the Sun", Black Label Society "Blessed Hell Ride" and 90% of Smashing Pumpkins discography - ie songs which can be learnt fairly easily without being overly generic and hopefully will catch the ear of a few more widely listened punters. Even if it doesn't necessarily sound like it would work with only one guitar but still sounds like it's meant for busking like Blind Guardian's "Bright Eyes".
Does it have to be metal? Cos I reckon Matt Weddle's acoustic version of Hey Ya would bring in some coin, at least people will have heard of the song :)

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I'm just after songs to cover, not covering cover arrangements other people have already made.
Andy McKee's cover of Toto's "Africa" is pretty awesome if you're into that kind of thing though.
Bruce Dickinson - Tears of the Dragon
Deep Purple - Soldier of Fortune
Iron Maiden - Journeyman

Just ones that came to my head. Meh.
Oh ok, I thought you were trying to make some extra cash from busking :) I wouldn't imagine many would give you money for metal songs.
Unfortunantly I couldn't be bothered to look for a better acoustic version of this, but this is the ONLY song you need to learn
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