Buying stuff from US to EU


Anssi Tenhunen
I just made some calculations and you can ship anything up to 150lbs (thats 68kg, the shipping costs are about $680 via UPS) to Finland and since the USD is so weak currently (100 EUR = 146 USD), you can almost get anything for 30% discount.

For example you can buy a brand new Mesa Boogie dual rectifier for $1800 from sweetwater, then add the $680 shipping and the price totals to $2480, which costs a grand less than the same head brand new from Thomann (2499€, equals ~$3650).

But then I thought that what the hell do you need to do to it to make it work in here, because US uses 100-127V @ 60Hz when EU uses 200-240V @ 50Hz? So I figured out that it's maybe worth buying non-wallpowered stuff stuff like mics, pedals and guitars. Cabinets start to get too heavy, so they are out of the calculations and it becomes worthwhile only with EXPENSIVE stuff, because it's just stupid to buy a $200 guitar and pay more for the shipping than it would cost to buy it here brand new.
Dude, I ordered a Washburn Idol (Custom Shop) three years ago and it was fucking expensive to ship it to Europe.

I had to pay huge amounts of CUSTOMS CHARGES.
I don't recommend it - unless the whole situation concerning customs charges has changed.
may depend on the country you're living in...
in Germany they'll rape you with customs and takes (usually between 25% and 34% of the total price (incl shipping!).....
so if amp plus shipping= 2100$ you'll have to pay ANOTHER 700$ or something on top of that.
You have to pay VAT when you buy anything that costs more than 45 euros from the states. Here's how you calculate the additional costs to Finland:

(Price of the item + shipping costs) * VAT * customs

In Finland VAT would be 22% so use 1,22 in the equation, customs is 3,7% for most music gear (I think 0% for microphones) so use 1,037 in the equation.

You'll notice it's not really cheaper to buy anything with high shipping costs. Using a step-down transformer is annoying, but a new power transformer could cost 100-200 euros.

I prefer, as GBP is cheap too.
Also notice, that some companies won't sell to you, because of market area limitations (or some such..).

Friend of mine tried to get an SM7 from USA (which was selling for about €350, list price here about €650..), but they said flat out that they won't sell it to Finland.
Maybe get a different amp like a Marshall / Laney / Orange etc.? I live in Germany and bought my JCM 800 2203 KK in England, no additional taxes because both states are members of the EU and just 14€(!!!) for UPS shipping (it arrived 3 days after ordering). And also no need for a voltage transformer.
Additionally the British Pound sucked pretty hard so all in all I saved over 600€.
Yeah, the best option is to have a friend of yours buy something from there and take it on the plane (if possible). There are also some companies that buy stuff from the states for you and ship them for a surcharge (around 30%) but I haven't dealt with them. The only thing I've bought from the states is my Schecter Scorpion baritone, from a forum member who shipped it to a family I know so they can take it with them when they come to visit, only problem is they didn't have the chance to come until 2 years afterwards. Other than that it was pretty cool deal: 300$ for the guitar with emg81+85, hard case, 10 sets of strings, shipping in the US and paypal fees.

Oh and +1 on buying from the UK. A lot of times there are great deals, especially when the pound is low. I bought my A7s new for less than 600 euro, when they where 800 in Thomann. I also bought an Octopre Le + adat for around 270 euro instead of 400.
Maybe get a different amp like a Marshall / Laney / Orange etc.? I live in Germany and bought my JCM 800 2203 KK in England, no additional taxes because both states are members of the EU and just 14€(!!!) for UPS shipping (it arrived 3 days after ordering). And also no need for a voltage transformer.
Additionally the British Pound sucked pretty hard so all in all I saved over 600€.

I got my Marshall JVM from the UK.
Yeah I got both Fender Root Teles and the Bugera 6260 in one order from GAK in the UK. I saved about 450,-€ compared to getting the stuff here.

I even got a credit card only for that purpose, ordering from the UK.
Yep, the pound is weak as shit the now. Really bad time to be buying gear over here, everything that's not made in the UK has gone up in price by about 30% and we can't take advantage of the £ being stronger than the $ as we get raped at customs.

Bad times :(
voltage voltage voltage - if the us amp doesn't support 220-240 your going nowhere without a step down transformer that can handle the watts (electrical watts. not audio watts) and for example a mesa head your easily going to pay the remainder on buying a decent transformer - and you want to be buying a very decent transformer because if it doesn't step down to the correct amount of juice you are literally going to blow the fucking faceplate off the head - its going to become a useless box or worse it could cause a fire and you will die - voltage is not something to be messed with. on another note there are also issues with some electrical keyboards and voltage/htz internationally - some keyboards refuse to tune to a concert pitch if they dont have the correct htz in the power line.

keep it in mind when shopping internationally