Buying used Interface? Presonus FP 10


Jan 19, 2009
Is it high-risk to buy an older used Interface? Seller says it was used one time for his Demo with his band. I want to buy it for about 250 euro. Photos look good!

Whats your experiences with buying used Interfaces?
Is there a big chance that the interface isn't working one day(Hardware). Or are the main problems just drivers and configuration?

I am student so buying such an expensive interface new is impossible...

So a cheaper new Interface or the used better one?

I've heard bad things about Firepods, and I'm sure somebody could back me up on that.

Try and look on ebay for a used Focusrite Saffire Pro 40. They're a little bit more expensive, but way better than a Firepod would be.
Bought my (pre-FP 10) Firepod used on eBay, it worked like a champ for nearly 2 years. Only sold it because my FW port on my laptop died, then immediately afterwards the whole thing crapped out. I have another newer laptop that only has USB 2.0 (and no card slots, boo) so I also got a "like new" Tascam 1641 on eBay, for less than I sold the Firepod for.

Both units were/are great. It's just like any other item on eBay - as long as you buy from someone with great reputation, you should be fine, and on the offhand chance the unit's bad, if they have a good rep they'll make sure you're taken care of.
The FP-10 / Firepod has no routing software, to make latency-free submixes.. which is a big bummer for me.
You can only mix between "input" and "DAW".
But it really depends on your needs. Otherwise the FP-10 was a great interface, the pre's are really ok and I didn't have a single problem.
Yeah, a lot of guys on here used to have Firepods myself included. The non-existend routing is a downside but then again you should easily be able to monitor through software with no problems.

Expandability is also an issue but it really depends on what you want to do with it. For 250 it's a great deal to get your feet wet if you haven't done a lot of recording yet. You don't need to buy any additional preamps or whatever. Just plug it in and record. If you want to move on to something more professional in the future you can always keep it to record quick demos in the rehearsal place or to incorporate it into your live show (the 8 line outs come in pretty handy on this for a varity of ocassions).

250 is about what I sold mine for (I think it was 270 actually) so it seems to be a good deal.
I just want to record DI-Tracks and Vocals with it. Maybe a small "choir" or drum tracking too.
It also should be my main soundcard to practise guitar over Podfarm etc.

I used to use the Firepod and actually had a lot of good mixes and live recordings with it. I think it's a great "first" interface.
You mentioned a Profire 610?
Keep in mind you wouldn't be able to properly reamp because the converters are only 192kHz.
Other than that, if you don't plan on reamping, it's perfect.