Buzz Aldrin punches NASA skeptic in the face

josh posted this like two months ago... he is going to flip out on you for taking credit... he might even try and kill you.

just sayin'... watch your back.
he will sneak around the other side of the earth while you are looking at the east coast... he is sneaky like that.
i've read about this sort of thing for years - the skeptical claims, etc - as well as more outlandish stuff concerning other moon-oriented theorists (not only have we been there, but the US, or Russia, or someone currently has bases and huge constructs there that are even visible via telescope)...

of course people are going to question, especially in the years that pass without a return. the biggest physical step humankind has taken, and only a handful of people have experienced it. 35+ years ago.

i think NASA is pretty right on in thinking that this has to be dealt with by any means possible, although sinking $15,000 into a pro-moon campaign isn't going to do it. who is this accessible to? elementary school teachers who request it?

this FOX-driven theory has definitely sunk in. i've heard a lot of "y'know, i bet we really haven't gone there" stuff from a good cross-section of people during the past 2 years.