By all acounts.. the tour is going well.


Real World's Mad Girl
Well, from lookin at the guestbook, they seem to be making more fans.... left right and center as they work their way across the country.

I heard from Mia yesterday that all is going well. they were on their way to Dundee at the time and the aberdeen one was apparently pretty busy - the support band , Loaded. covered U C THE LIGHT and apparently it was a really great cover!! How awesome.... nicely done Loaded lads! how great must that be for

The dundee one was quiter but they are confident for tonights, whiich i think is glasgow.

SOmethings telling me this tour has just raised their profile 2000000000 x more than anything.. the fact they rock of course has a lot to do with it but with all the press ... and the gig with gilby clarke prior to the tour and the competition gig.. really has helped a hell of a lot!!!!! YAYAYAYAYAYYAYAYAYAYAYAYYAYAYAYAYAYYAYYAYAYA
glasgow is a well supported place for metal as far as i know.. plus isnt King tuts there??? Theyve played there i think before? ah well. Sheffield bloody rocked... and ill let ya know how Stoke goes :)

Well done peeps!!! :D
Plus, this saturday they are going to a strange little town, I think its called Hitchin. Well "apparently" there is this completely CRAZEEEEE child who lives there and absolutely loves Area 54, and he has an equally crazy father! Maybe they will be there on saturday night. Perhaps Madgirl can sleep at their house? :lol: I'm not surprised things are going well thusfarly, considering the talent of the band. Lets just hope their notoriety raises to colossal proportions with the release of the second album (did i mention I am going to explode when i get it? GRAAAAAAA!!!)

On a lighter note, I am the king of German speaking (except for the germans of course:tickled: ) GCSEs won't be as bad as i think, just wanna get them out the way now.